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    Is there any significance in ANA pattern change after abx?
    I started from 1:320 Speckled and now 6mo on abx it's 1:40 Homogeneous.
    My RF and CCP still negative
    SED rate is 32
    CRP 1.8
    does the change in ANA pattern helps to figure out what kind of disease I have? why did it change?



    Speckled is more an indicator of MCTD while homogenous is an indicator of possible lupus —-If a person has mixed connective tissue disease -by nature that means symptoms of different illnesses can show up including changes in the ANA patterns–




    thank you Richie,
    so if I do have a mixed connective tissue, and not RA, then my symptoms and RF(-) makes more sense– right?
    Also would 2/day 100mg Minocin might need to be adjusted or it's basically the same protocol for Ra and mixed connective tissue?
    Its there any blood test to backup the mixed connective tissue disease?


    Hi Anna,

    anti ENA tests can be done for MCTD. I am pos for RNP antibodies under that test panel which is common for MCTD. Lupus can be homogenous/speckled as well . For lupus, it is anti dsDNA tests and lupus can also be pos under anti SM which is under the ENA panel.Try not to focus on this too much . Your numbers are coming down and pretty fast, a great sign!



    Hi Anna,

    I second Casey's thought that it looks like your numbers are falling fast! 😀

    Here's a brief overview of labs and what they mean under the Historical Protocol on the main website (Appendix B at the end):


    As Richie and Casey mentioned, you might have more of a Lupus overlap with your MCTD, so as you're improving, this one is just starting to be revealed more in your bloodwork. If you're continuing to improve, there should be no need to change up your protocol. If you find you're not improving, stalled out or experiencing new symptoms, this is the time to consider a protocol switch with you AP doc. You're on the Harvard Protocol (mino 100mg twice daily), so if you find your Lupus signs worsening, then a reduction in dose might be also something to discuss with your doc.

    My pattern of falling lab numbers has been a bit like a weigh scale with one lab going up and one going down in a seesaw motion all the way, but nevertheless coming down pretty steadily as a kind of longterm trend. These numbers get confusing sometimes, so it's important to go with how you're feeling, too. Sometimes labs improve before we do and sometimes we improve before labs do.

    Peace, Maz


    but my Lupus numbers are negative like double DNA and others…


    [user=786]Anna[/user] wrote:

    but my Lupus numbers are negative like double DNA and others…

    Hi Anna,

    I know…a confusing mess, all of it. I know of one Lupus patient who is completely seronegative for it, but has pretty well-defined Lupus symptoms. Same can happen for RA.

    The blood numbers can jump around a bit and this may or may not mean the diagnosis has changed…just that some numbers respond faster than others to improvements while on AP. E.g. For me, RF has responded faster than anti-CCP. Either test can be indicative of RA, but neither is wholly conclusive of it either. More really depends on symptom presentation.  

    So does a homogenous ANA pattern mean you have Lupus? Not necessarily. Might just be that this side of your MCTD is being revealed as your rheumatic disease wanes and improves on AP. I don't know…just speculation. 😕  Some people are seropositive for rheumatic diseases and never get symptoms…that's a weird anomaly, too.

    Peace, Maz



    I certainly agree with the thoughts here –your ANA has come down dramatically –thats the important issue –I would think it shows some very good things are happening due to the taking of the antibiotic —-with many of these illnesses -it is very difficult for doctors to make a definitive diagnosis –just by terminology of mixed connective tissue disease indicates how a clear definitive diagnosis of a specific illness cant be made !!!!



    Anna – my ANA results changed to positive after starting AP (5 years ago) also. And they have tended to vary since then – one result speckled, one homogenous, even one with a bit of both! They were never very high though, so not a worry in terms of DIL. I definitely didnt have any symptoms of Lupus and I think the  clinical symptoms are probably the most important thing to monitor here. Agree that you have had a spectacular fall in numbers and that is what I would tend to focus on. Lynnie

    Be well! Lynnie

    Palindromic RA 30 yrs (Chronic Lyme?)
    Mino 2003-2008 100mg MWF - can no longer tolerate any tetracyclines
    rotating abx protocol now. From Sep 2018 MWF - a.m. Augmentin Duo 440mg + 150mg Biaxsig (roxithromycin). p.m. Cefaclor (375mg) + Klacid 125mg + LDN 3mg + Annual Clindy IV's
    Diet: no gluten, dairy, sulphites, low salicylates
    Supps: 600mg N-AC BID, 1000mg Vit C, P5P 40mg, zinc picolinate 60mg, Lithium orotate 20mg, Magnesium Oil, Bio-identical hormones (DHEA + Prog + Estrog)


    thank you everyone, you surely put my mind to rest

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