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    It's me again…just watched you on youtube  :).may I bother you with a ?.
    I've read that it may not be helpful to be tested for Lyme et al after being
    on immuno depressing drugs,in fact some LLMD  may not go there and dx
    using the clinical leads.Ruth ,how long ago were you tested?Did you use
    Igenex labs?On some level I don't want to hear that folks in our situation
    shouldn't bother with the “test” BECAUSE …the longer we're sick the more
    we need some concrete answers.God knows we can't get those from rheumatologists.it's been yrs since he's even checked my CRP…says there's
    no point.Thanks Doc….Ruth,keep up the progress.Oh BTW.you're walking proof
    of the huge impact that Hormones play in many of these female dominant AI diseases.Take good care,Kath


    Hi Kathy,

    I would say better to get tested than not get tested at all. I was on steroids when I was tested and I still came back positive. If you can get a clinical diagnosis of Lyme then I suppose getting tested doesn't matter so much. I guess it depends which LLMD you go to.

    I was tested about 10 months ago now, about two months before starting treatment. My LLMD did use Igenex labs and also a lab in Germany for something called a MELISA test or LTT test. They both came back positive for me, despite the long-term steroids.

    I can't believe your rheumatologist doesn't check your CRP!! How the heck does he know how ill you are, or what level of meds you need? That's outrageous! I thought mine were bad 😉 .

    Ohh yess, the hormones do make such a difference. I just got my period today and the lack of estrogen has made me feel ultra, ultra tired. Fortunately no real arthritis flare though. I do find estrogen is essential for energy and I'm hoping my own estrogen is going to reappear since I can't take the contraceptive pill any more. If it doesn't I'm going to be a living zombie!

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