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    I'm going to be starting a new abx protocol for babesia soon.  One of the medications will be zithromax (azithromycin).  Unfortunately, I'm without proper pharmacy benefits coverage.  Therefore, I'm eyeing buylowdrugs.com to source this medication.  Does anyone have experience using this site for meds other than Minocin?  If so, were the results favorable?  Please advise.  Thank you.

    A Friend


    Buylowdrugs is a great company.  I've used them for at least a couple of years, and they are very professional.  Many others on this board have also used them, and that is where I learned about them.  If you will call their 800 # which you can get on their web site, they will tell you what you need to know. 

    Just before a recent vacation, my phone rang and one of the young ladies called just to make sure everything was ok, because she had not heard from me in a long time.  (There was a good, logical reason which I shared with her.  I was impressed that she had called.)


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