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    I have been experiencing a dry cough and significant throat pain with sudden episodes of runny nose and a tightness on my neck area (almost like if someone had their hands around my throat and squeezing). I have also started feeling TMJ pains and aches is this muscular or bone related?

    I have attributed the throat pain symptoms to “nasal drip” or allergies but I  am thinking is all related to mctd?  Anybody out there have heard about these symptoms?

    I have been struggling for almost 2 yrs trying to get a dx to begin to understand to at least manage the symptoms. 

    Any input would be appreciated.



    Hi Tanah,

    I haven't been dx'd with MCTD, but I certainly experienced a sore throat, raised glands and throat tightening in the weeks/months following getting Lyme Disease. These all eased up as things progressed on a combined antibiotic/anti-protozoal (for babesia) therapy.

    I also had very painful TMJ-like symptoms and could barely open my mouth to eat. This was particularly bad in the early stages, too, when the pains were still in the migratory second stage of Lyme…would be on one side one day and the other side the next. Again, the TMJ disappeared with time on antibiotics.

    Here's my personal progress thread in case it might help.


    Peace, Maz


    I had dry cough for almost 6 months, also had pain in my throat. I went to my family doctor many times, he could not tell why I had sore throat. Later, I realized it was due to acid reflux which caused my sore throat. Once I got the acid reflux controlled, the throat seems to get a little better. Now I have hoarse voice, sounds like a 90 years old lady. I don't know how to get rid of that.

    Due to pulmonary fibrosis, it made me cough each time when I tried to catch my breathe. I did not realize I lost my lung capacity until this past Feb. My trachea has been very tight, feeling like having asthma. After Clindy IV, it seemed to loosen a little and my dry cough seemed to get some relief.



    Hey Tanah,

    Don't know what to tell you other than you're not alone.  I've had a sore throat the whole time I've been sick.  As soon as all this hit, my thyroid was damaged.  I have a thyroid ultrasound every six months and it has nodules that are getting slightly larger, but the whole organ feels very hard so it probably has collagenized.  The nodules have been biopsied and will be 'watched'. Hoarse voice — my docs say could be collagen around vocal chords.  Swollen cervical lymphs the whole time.  My neck is probably my most painful area—very tight and the large veins buldging and hard with collagen.  I've had a cervical disc fusion, due to a car accident that also dislocated my jaw on both sides, so definite TMJ issues here too.

    Seeking out professional opinions on all this has resulted in a lot of 'could be's' and head scratching.  Basically their guesses have been as good as mine because they just are not sure.

    This stuff will make you crazy if you let it because it is frustrating and exhausting so try to not spend too much energy on specifics.  Unless my situation really takes a dive, I try to limit my time with doctors because they just try to throw treatments and drugs at me that I want no part of.

    Hang in there…..kim


    kim, you are so right, everytime you see a doctor they can only give you what's wrong and with sd they really have no idea. 

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