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    I have been on AP for about 1 1/2years for SD I have had wonderful improvements with everything but my esophagus, the swallowing is still not the best and food seems to be getting stuck all the time, I started taking Neprinol will this help with making the esophagus more plyable so that swallowing will get better? I also want to know if anyone using Neprinol takes it when you take mino or with your other supplements I seem to have a hard time fitting it in just taking it alone. I have recovered by strength, and the awful fatigue is gone, but this throat thing just hangs on.


    Hi, I'm not sure about the answers re Neprinol. I'm sure others will chime in. I just wanted to comment on the esophagus issues. I have been having issues recently too but I have discovered it is due to the following and have recently noticed improvements:

    1) Minocin irritating the esophagus – I wasn't taking mine with enough water and it has really been irritating my esophagus. Now I make sure I drink it with 1 or even 2 full glasses of water and a piece of celery to push the minocin down.

    2) Reflux – I recently had laryngytis from reflux. I saw an ENT who did a scope and noticed that I had a lot of inflammation from reflux. I now take Nexium twice a day and it has improved a lot.

    I thought it was strange too that I was noticing improvements but still had issues with my esophagus. Since I have made these changes, it has helped. Hopefully the Neprinol will help as well.


    I will try drinking more water when I take mino I know I don't drink no where near enough when I take pills, thanks for the input



    I had the very same issues with my esophagus early on, and took Protonix for about 15 months.  My reflux stopped, and it took about 4 months for the tightness in my throat to get better.  My doctor said it's better to be on a proton pump inhibitor before there's esophageal damage done.  My reflux wasn't terrible, and I was reluctant to be on it but, I think doing so helped to heal my throat.  I was able to come off of the Protonix completely in January, and have had zero issues with relux or tightness.  I also gave up coffee, gluten and dairy, which has helped me as well. 

    It's important to take the Minocin with a full glass of water, and remain upright for an hour afterwards.  This lessens the chance of having esophageal irritation.



    What dosage of Neprinol are you taking?  I'm trying to get on it myself for the same reasons.



    I'm not sure if the question was to me or DAR but, I'll answer it.  I began taking Neprinol (now Serracor-NK) about 2 weeks ago (was on another systemic enzyme called “Vitalzym X” for about 9 months, and wanted to compare the two), and I take 2 pills, 3 times a day, on an empty stomach.  When I first started taking systemic enzymes, I did a “loading” dose for about 5 weeks before I tapered down to a maintenance dose, per the recommendations for certain disease categories by the maker of the enzymes.  I haven't been on the Serracor-NK (neprinol) long enough to know if it's working better than the other enzyme I was on.  I was told by a manufacturer that Serracor-NK is made by the same inventor of Vitalzym, and that the SEBkinase blend was stronger. 

    From my own personal experience with systemic enzymes, I know that my circulation improved quite a bit because it was easier for my nurse to get a vein during my infusions.  (and I'm not cold all the time anymore)


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