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    Mike has been very tired lately, from the bed to the couch is an effort. How has anyone else defeated this?


    Yes, absolutely it gets better.  Crushing fatigue is one of the worst symptoms of SD and you just have to ride it out.  Your body needs the rest and it just sets you back to get overly tired.

    Tell Mike to hang in there and not feel guilty about napping……it's necessary.

    Take care….kim


    It took about 4 months of AP before my fatigue let up some.  I also started taking Lyrica about that time to deal with awful burning due to SD-induced peripheral neurapathy. Getting a decent night's sleep is critical.


    Diffuse SD since Apr '07
    AP since Feb '08
    100mg Mino twice daily
    Stopped Clindamycin IVs Aug 2019
    "No one should profit over someone else's illness"


    I had really bad fatigue for about 4-6 weeks and spent a lot of time sleeping when I could.   This heavy fatigue stopped about four weeks before I started AP, and apart from occasional general tiredness from work and following the kids around, I would say my energy levels are about normal – though the stiffness and low grade aches come and go still.
    I am starting 900mg/wk  oral clindamycin this week so I am hoping for only more improvement from here on.

    Tell Mike to push on – most SD folk ( and my rehuemy) advise that it does get better.!!!



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