Home Forums General Discussion Scleroderma & ureaplasma

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    I just found out about this site. I’ve had diagnosed scleroderma for 5 years now. The past year I tested positive for ureaplasma and have been suffering greatly. Has anybody had success finding a dr to use AP therapy seriously in the New Jersey/ New York area? I’ve wasted a lot of money on doctors who refuse to help and can’t afford to waste anymore so I would really appreciate some reassurance. I have the lists of drs already.


    Hi jmul,

    Hopefully you didn’t feel you wasted your time and money on any of the AP docs on the lists you received! If you did, please send your feedback to admin@roadback.org so those docs can be removed from the list or updated in some way. The doc lists are reliant on patient feedback and only as current as the feedback received. Unfortunately, many of the docs were added years ago, referred by other AP patients, and those same docs move on, pass away, retire, or simply change their mode of approach.

    Have you tried independently to find a doc who is open to help you? Some states have a real dearth of AP docs and sometimes a local GP, dermatologist, or integrative/holistic doc will help. I know of two docs in NYC area who might help – one is a dermatologist and the other is a Lyme Literate MD. Would you like me to send you that info via PM?


    My apologies, what I meant was prior to finding this site, I’ve had nothing but unhelpful doctors(none on this site) so I am trying to avoid picking one from the list and having them tell me they can’t help me. I would love your recommendation thank you so much


    No problem and thanks for clarifying! I’ve sent you a list of about 5 docs, one of whom I hope may help you. Please come back and fill us in on how you do with all this. It’s usually a hurdle at the beginning to find a doc to work with, but hopefully you’ll be making good headway soon. Meantime, try to read all you can on the site, and the Henry Scammell books, to get as informed as possible about the therapy. It’s a slow therapy with no overnight miracles and so understanding the mechanism of action can be a tremendous support and good way to self-advocate. Although the discussion forum is slow these days and moreso in the summer, there is usually someone around if peer support is sought.

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