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    For years, many of us on AP have been trying to get more publicity for AP use on Scleroderma patients.  Many of us wrote to Oprah and Dr. Phil with no reply.

    RIGHT NOW:   Dr. Phil and his new show THE DOCTORS is looking for information for new shows.   The blogs, e-mails, etc are all being read everyday–so they say.  The blog in particular, since it is new within the past week.

    I was wondering if anyone wants to write to Dr. Phil and tell your success with AP in Scleroderma patients.  If so, go to his site, DRPHIL.COM and go on the BLOG or write something under HEALTH or try sending an e-mail to drphil@drphil.com.

    It's just a thought.  If they get blogs, articles or e-mails, eventually, someone will call one of us!    Just a idea!   It just makes me SICK that so many people are suffering, getting worse and even dying without ever having tried AP.



    Jan Lucinda

    I didn't know about this show.  Good idea.

    paper tiger

    Not really helpful but I seriously dreamt maybe three weeks ago that my TV producer aunt (who doesn't exist) who worked for Oprah wanted to do an expos

    Jan Lucinda

    I haven't watched Dr. Phil but a friend said with alot of Big Pharma sponsors, he will not be friendly to AP.  Could be true.


    I don't know about the Dr. Phil show, but I've been UNimpressed with the show The Doctors.  They did a show on Lyme and it backfired when they used the same rhetoric from the IDSA and CDC ~ nothing serious, a short course of abx and you'll be fine. :headbang:  It was the worst possible coverage for educating people on the seriousness of Lyme Disease.

    The same could happen with AP for Scleroderma.  What if they pull in a couple of top rheumatologists that mock the program, say it's unproven, etc., and all we have are personal stories to refute.  I don't know of an AP doc that would be willing to take on this fight either.

    Just my opinion…….kim

    Eva Holloway

    Kim and all,

    I wish there was a way we and all doctors could stand up to big Pharma and tell them that the AP works.:angry:

    I just received my first order of Minocin from Canada. took about two weeks to get it, but I can order again in three months.:)

    Hope everyone has a nice summer, wish it would not be so HOT.


    Eva Holloway


    Thats a great idea, it doesn't hurt to try. Dr. Brown would of given up if he didn't believe in what he was doing, and for all the criticism he received he still continued to do his work. All we can do is try!


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