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    Ticks. Tick season. Hate it!

    Last night one of my sons had a ?bug? “attached” to his lower abdomen and he pulled it off before he called for me. It was so small I couldn't see it until I ran for my glasses and by then it curled up a bit so I couldn't see the arrangement of the legs. :sick: Son looked it up on a google search and saw pictures of ticks and is certain that's what it looked like. :sick:

    I kept it in a ziplock baggie. Dr. Z said to send it to a lab.

    24 hours later, he has no EM rash. A red pinprick of the place of attachment exists.

    So, what lab? Which tests? Is it most likely removed in time and we should wait and see” and monitor the site? I estimate it was really only on him a few hours tops. Help!!!

    But, I shouldn't be too concerned because lyme disease isn't in VA according to our medical association and government. :angry:

    I seriously want to live in a bubble right now.

    Upset mom.



    You're not going to get a definitive answer on this one. 🙁

    My husband has had the EM (bull's eye) rash, but is not sick.  I asked my LLMD whether he should be treated and his answer was, “if he's not sick, his immune system is handling it.”  This was several years ago and he still seems fine.

    Personally, I would ask your doc about putting your son on a course of Doxy so mom can sleep at night. 😕

    You can send the tick to Igenex Labs, but it's very expensive, at least it was when I looked into it.  At that time, I had four ticks that had been extracted from my scalp and they were going to charge multiple fees for multiple tests on each tick. 😯  Also, the jury's out on how long a tick needs to be attached to infect the human.  Other vectors spread Lyme that don't stay attached, they just bite and run.

    Take care…..kim

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