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    We put him in a foot bath with epsom salts — I did not know anything about the peroxide — does that help the detox?


    [user=1274]luvmywonderfulkids[/user] wrote:

    I have Cat's Claw — does it work that fast? How much do I give him?

    Hi Sue–

    I take 4 500 mg capsules.  They do enhance the immune system so hopefully he doesn't get a slight herx from them at the beginning.  I've notice this with myself–anything that helps the immune system sends me into a herx :(.

    How fast does it work?  Within a week of starting it back in Dec '08 I dropped my morning dose of indo. 

    BTW, Maz's description–

    These times are very unnerving, I know, and empathize with you and Ryan. It's hard going through it, but it can also be hard watching a loved one go through it. If it wasn't for my hubby, reminding me that I'd been down that road before and come through during those difficult herxes, then it would have been very hard…the mind plays big tricks on us when in pain and it feels like you're just going down-down-down. Then, suddenly the herx would pass and it was like it never happened….and I'd start to notice I was able to do things I wasn't able to do before, like twist off a water bottle cap, squeeze toothpaste, etc. It's a very strange phenomenon and the only way I could gauge my progress was to look back in retrospect to see what improvments had occured over time.

    –is right on.  When I'm having a terrible time with herxing, I cut back on my treatment and I usually feel better after a couple of days.  Maybe this might work for Ryan.

    Take care,


    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


    I can not thank everyone enough for all the replies. I just want to know if this is herx or if something else is going on and I know that really no one can say for sure. It just seems very strange that this has not happened before.




    Even in the middle of “good” Lyme treatment, my husband had new symptoms show up and sometimes it took a while to find the right antibiotic or med that would send it on its way.  Would either Ryan's primary care doctor or the rheumie prescribe something for the pain?  He shouldn't have to be in pain for long periods of time.  I firmly believe in detox but sometimes you need something to tide you over.  My husband had to take Vicodin and or a sleeping pill every night for nine months.  Those days thankfully are behind us but it was very important to control the pain so he could rest and thereby heal.


    Yes I believe they would. If he is not better tomorrow, you can bet I will be calling and asking for something to help him.


    Jen, I'm just a bystander, moved to tears over your generous offer to give up your Dr. appt. for Ryan. I know you 're having a very hard time too.

    The folks on this Board are the best and the concern and care for children who are struggling is really touching.



    Here is a picture of Ryan's hand taken in January:


    luv wrote:

    We put him in a foot bath with epsom salts — I did not know anything about the peroxide — does that help the detox?

    Did the epsom salts foot bath help to relieve the pain?  Yes, the hydrogen peroxide helps with detoxing; pulling out all the gunk and toxins. 

    It is one of Dr. Nicholson's recommendations; 2 cups of epsom salts in bath water, soak for five minutes, then add 16 oz. hydrogen peroxide, soak for ten minutes.



    Hi Sue,

    Has there been a recent change in Ryan's diet, or did he recently eat some food that he doesn't normally eat, perhaps something from a restaurant? The reason I ask is because I've found that, in my case, flare ups are almost always caused by eating some food that I am sensitive to.


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein



    I think the epsom salts helped somewhat, he is able to walk today. He is going in for MRI's today.


    That is what we asked ourselves too and no, he did not eat anything different. We limit the amount of sugar he gets, no soda, candy, we use stevia to sweeten his drinks, and he does not drink any milk.

    Has anyone else had hands that look like Ryan's?



    Hi Sue,

    I don't know if this applies to Ryan, but I also had terrible pain in my foot and ankle.  Does Ryan's pain move around; like sometimes it's his knee, and then it moves to his ankle or foot? 

    I had an appointment with an orthopedic doctor to look at my ankle and foot.  He took x-rays and mri's which showed nothing unusual.  I asked if I could get a cortisone shot, since I was hobbling around.  He was hesitant to do so because the pain was transitory. 

    The one antibiotic that really helped, prior to lyme treatment was Ceftin.  I would have been hobbling around every day, if not for that drug!

    Hope he's better today….


    Hi Sue,
    I didn't even think about the school thing. I can't wait for his appt with Dr.S in June. I hope you have doctors that can help Ryan. I hope he is doing better today. He is in my thoughts for a good recovery.




    You are just so sweet and if we get bad news on the MRI and the nuclear body scan they did, I am going to try and get him in earlier because he can always make up the time at school.

    Could anyone give me feedback on his hands?



    His hand looks similar to the swanning that is experienced in RA.  It broke my heart to see this pic.. My daughter is 12 and while she is healthy, I feel your pain… we certainly want to take the pain away from our kids :crying:



    Is it permanent? We are trying desperately to get him back into occupational therapy. Our insurance is giving us a really hard time because his condition is “chronic”. They also told me that I should be able to do this for him and while I agree to a point, if I was an occupational therapist, that is what I would be doing for a little. I am so afraid when I work with his hands that I will hurt him.


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