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    I took clindamycin last night and this morning. Shortly after the morning dose I broke out in a rash and hives–a serious allergic reaction. No more clindy. Talked to the endo's partner and he said he didn't think I had an infection to begin with! According to him, sensitivity a week after a root canal revision is not unusual. “Just take Advil for another week and see if that calms things down.” Geez. If he's right, all the hassle with getting the med and dealing with the reaction were for naught.

    It was a difficult day. In addition to handling the reaction, I had 5 houseguests, three of them small children. They were wonderful guests, but busy and requiring alert attention. My daughter is 19 so we're not really set up for kids anymore. Early to bed tonight!



    Sierra I do not know if it is any help but I have serious root canal problem and at my age and the way I feel I just could not cope with the extractions.  I was not aware of the dangers early on.  However the Bactrim DS seems to be helping this problem considerably so I wanted to tell you .  I take one  160/800 every second day. it might help you as well. You need a systemic antifungal as well though


    Thanks Rosemary, but it looks like I may not even have an infection! Crazy!

    I had to call the doctor last night as the rash seemed to be getting worse. He suggested Benedryl and that helped some. Still have a blazing sandpaper rash with welts today. I skipped my minocycline yesterday and think I will do the same today. Want to make things easier for my poor liver!



    Hi Rosemary,

    I didn't think I would be able to cope with extractions either, but I went ahead and had them done.  And guess what?  I felt stronger right after.  My mouth hurt but I mean the rest of me was better right away.  I took an extra dose of heart medication before I went in and the dentist always puts me on another antibiotic before tooth extraction.  Truly, I felt stronger with every extraction.



    Good idea to have a break it often helps you sort things out.  If you have a rash though it sounds like a parasite of some sort.  That is exactly what happens.  All my tests were sero negative  They only showed up on live blood analysis.  That could be an option you could go down.   It really does help to have more information normal blood tests were useless with me and I was desperately ill, so I make sure I let others know.


    Dianne I already need two lots of surgery possibly three and cannot have an anesthetic yet.  I will do it all when I really pick up and am able.  Getting there Not bad seeing I was told I would not survive.

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