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    I developed a chronic illness for two years, and was treated with shortterm high doses of abx (several kinds) about 15 times, and these two years by an ordinary physician/internist, and was not told about probiotics.  It is my strong belief that this jaw infection that spread to my head and the medications that caused a severe systemic fungal overgrowth set me up for what happened later… a diagnosis of RA, but thought to be MCTD and not RA. 

    Finding Dr. Brown's and Scammell's book educated me and I began AP in Jan 1997.  In no time, I was doing really well (after a 4-month period and herx).  I felt and was able to go on with my life — and considered this period of time as being in remission. 

    However, those previous years had done a lot of damage and put me in a state of severe acidosis — unknown to me at that time.  Over the years 2003 to 2006, the acidosis part of my illness continued, but I have never again had the symptoms I had with the onset of RA/MCTD, with not being able to raise my arm and feeling as ill as I was then.  I was even off AP from early 2003 to late 2006 — not a good idea I learned because the acidosis condition allowed the non-cell-walled organisms to “have their way with me”.  Returning to AP, and a new AP physician, and addressing another type organism that had cropped up during those off AP years has again turned things around — BUT FOR ME IT WAS NECESSARY FOR ME TO DISCOVER MY pH WAS SO DRASTICALLY OFF, AND TO TAKE STEPS FOR MY BODY TO GET BACK INTO A HEALTHY pH BALANCE. 

    Everything at this time, and since I returned to AP and taking measures that help keep my pH in this healthy pH balance is resolving the severe pain syndromes that developed during 2003 to 2006. 



    Lara, I second Cheryl's post! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your message of hope with everyone here!  I know I appreciate it very much and so will many others who have just arrived and are looking for proof that AP works. You're a Godsend – thank you for taking the time to do this and do hope you'll come back now and again to keep reminding us all. 😉

    Peace, Maz

    Rockin Annie

    [user=864]lara_melbourne[/user] wrote:

    Hello all!  I'm new to this board, and I consider myself to be in remission.  I started on the antibiotic protocol back in 2000, after being diagnosed with RA in 1997 and being on methotrexate and salazopyrine.  With the combination of a change in diet (naturopathically directed) and the antibiotic protocol, I've been in remission for almost six years now.  In fact, I'm not taking any medication at all now, and haven't been taking any since 2003.  As long as I stay strict with my diet, I am incredibly well and pain-free, without any joint damage.

    Hi lara……..that is wonderful you are in remission, and posting that very positive post……gives us newie's so much hope.

    I am flying down to Melb early next year to have my first AP appointment. Haven't been to melb. yet but sure am looking forward to shopping there……… would be very interesting to see what changes you made in your diet.

    Nice to see you on board…..Annie

    Diagnosed with RA in 2004, after trying many conventional meds I changed to mino.
    2015 changed to doxy 50mgs
    2016 went off doxy, after getting double pneumonia and massive flare put myself on 250 mgs Zith & 50 mgs doxy, which I will increase slowly.
    Supps, magnesium, NAC, vit c, krill oil, oregano oil, thisylin, turmeric, olive leaf extract, vit B, multi vit.


    Hi all!  I haven't vanished, but will only get to check in to the board occasionally.  Thanks for your welcome!  I will write up a testimonial but give me a couple of weeks.  I used to be part of the Road Back bulletin boards some years ago – from 2000 to around 2001 – and it is great to see some names here that I remember from then.  Good luck everyone!

    Regards, Lara


    [user=864]lara_melbourne[/user] wrote:

    I will write up a testimonial but give me a couple of weeks.


    Thanks so much, Lara! Your testimonial will be a great addition to the Road Back website!

    Peace, Maz

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