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    Began minocin 2 weeks ago & had 1 month Occupational Therapy without
    reducing swelling.

    Initially, I refused Celebrex & toughed it out waiting for inflammation to
    subside & it has not. I am not ready for MP at this time.

    So many meds out there. I do not want Enbrel (injections), just want something for maybe 2 months to take this swelling down before my
    wrist & finger joints are irreversibly damaged.

    What has worked short-term for others?



    Hi Caroline,

    So great that you've found AP and this BB! You're on your way! 🙂

    You mentioned starting mino two weeks ago. I know pain can make things feel interminable, but in the grand scheme of things, it's likely way too early to tell how you're doing. Often things worsen initially, as well, before a gradual improvement begins…”glacial” as John McD has many times in the past very aptly describes it! But, it's well worth the wait.

    Like you, I toughed out the pain, which was excruciating in every joint. Having Lyme meant that anything immunosuppressive was contraindicated, so I really had no choice in the matter. Advil was pretty much my mainstay. However, that being said, Dr Brown wasn't averse to using prednisone in small doses (5mg or less) and in short courses to help reduce the worst of the inflammation in the early days. He felt that bringing down inflammation actually allowed better penetration of the antibiotic into the joints and connective tissues. There are mixed views about this, but ultimately it's a personal choice, largely dependent on pain tolerance and the need to function in daily life. Ideally, I think we'd all agree that no prednisone is best, but needs must sometimes.

    There are also a number of NSAIDs you could ask your doc about (others here may be able to suggest options they've found worked for them), although these need to be used with care in the longer term.

    Hang in there….it takes several months or longer sometimes to begin to see signs of improvement and you may find you need to work with your doctor on a mino dose that fits you.

    Wishing you all the best on your road back!

    Peace, Maz

    Susan LymeRA

    Hi Caroline,

    Welcome to roadback and here's hoping you have great success with AP.

    Initially, I had horrible inflammation in all joints.  My doctor says I have “explosive” RA like she has only seen 3 or 4 times ever.  Lovely!

    Advil was the most effective pain reliever for me.  However, it turns out most of my pain and inflammation was being caused by damage to my intestinal wall.  Guess what causes damage to intestinal walls?

    Antibiotics, NSAIDS (Advil), Stress and bad diet.

    I had to stop the Advil.  I found a website by a doctor John McDougall  http://www.drmcdougall.com which talks at length about the connection between leaky gut and rheumatoid arthritis and how diet can benefit (or aggravate, depending upon what you eat) this condition.

    Here is a great website explaining leaky gut.


    I tried Dr. McDougall's vegan (no animal products) diet for 2 weeks which is the time he said it would take to see improvement.  My improvement in my inflammation was extrodinary and significant.  Nothing short of amazing.

    This sent me in search of a doctor trained in nutrition and leaky gut.  http://www.acam.org is a great source for finding integrative doctors.  This one factor has advanced my healing more than any other.  I do take 100mg MWF of doxy.  I was on mino for 2 yrs but my current rheumatologist who is also a lyme specialist (the cause of my illness) and believes in infectious causes to RA, took me off the mino because I had experienced some lupus like rashes (a rare side effect of the mino).

    Otherwise, we are healing me holistically.  I am doing great and can't remember the last time I needed any medication for pain.  At least 1 1/2 yrs ago.

    When the doctor took me off Advil, he said I could safely take Ibuprophen.  I bought one bottle and finally finished the bottle by using it as a sleep aid.  My pain levels improved so quickly, I just didn't need it for that purpose. 



    Susan – your docs advice seems confusing because Advil IS simply a brand name for the drug ibuprofen – see below cut and pasted from http://www.drugs.com

    I would be cautious about taking ibuprofen longterm because of its action on the gut. 

    [align=left]Generic Name: ibuprofen (eye byoo PROE fen)
    Brand Names: Advil, Ibu-Tab, Midol IB, Motrin, Nuprin, Pediacare Fever, Rufen

    Be well! Lynnie

    Palindromic RA 30 yrs (Chronic Lyme?)
    Mino 2003-2008 100mg MWF - can no longer tolerate any tetracyclines
    rotating abx protocol now. From Sep 2018 MWF - a.m. Augmentin Duo 440mg + 150mg Biaxsig (roxithromycin). p.m. Cefaclor (375mg) + Klacid 125mg + LDN 3mg + Annual Clindy IV's
    Diet: no gluten, dairy, sulphites, low salicylates
    Supps: 600mg N-AC BID, 1000mg Vit C, P5P 40mg, zinc picolinate 60mg, Lithium orotate 20mg, Magnesium Oil, Bio-identical hormones (DHEA + Prog + Estrog)


    For my hubby, a combo antiinflammatory diet and Metagenics' Ultrainflammx, a powder you mix w/water and drink, did wonders for the inflammation in his hands.  He did the diet/drink combo for about 5 weeks, and 1 week of mino, and by that time his hands were almost normal, after extremely swollen.  He continued with the ultrainflammx for the following year every day until we felt it was no longer needed.  Also, bloodwork last december showed his crp back to  normal after being high for a long time.  Hope this info helpful to you.  Good Luck!


    Hi Caroline,

    I have tried most of the NSAIDS and can't tolerate them.  As a chemically sensitive person, I actually do the best with cheap old aspirin.  I take 2 or 3 at a time and manage pain that way.  Surprisingly, I can handle aspirin but I do take antacids with it and all is ok with that.   Tylenol and Ibuprofin don't do much for me. 



    Hi Caroline,

    Ditto for Maz' advice, and Susan makes a good point as well. Make sure you take any anti-inflammatory with food, and preferably not before going to bed. Aleve, Advil, Motrin are good OTC meds, but lcan be hard on your stomach. Prescription meds like Mobic are easier on your stomach and probably less expensive in generic form than the OTC meds, but you've got side effects with those as well. I wouldn't worry too much if you're just going to use them for a short time. Like Maz said, prednisone works very well, but really should be a last resort only since it carries so many side effects and is difficult to wean off of.

    My memory is bad, so I can't remember if you've posted before on the subject of probiotics. Antibiotics (abx) destroy the good and bad bugs in your gut, probiotics replace the good bugs. Yogurt is good, but doesn't carry many varieties of bacteria; generally the more bugs, the better. Best wishes,


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