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    [user=944]mommaof2princesses[/user] wrote:

     My ND says that ur bodies are not equipped to handle meat and cooked food (there are no enzymes in coked food as compared to raw). She says this is the cause of some diseases.

    I spent all of last winter exploring the raw food movement–ate in raw food restaurants, tried many recipes myself, joined a Meetup group that focused on this topic, and read lots and lots of stuff on the Internet. I was quite intrigued and excited about it at first. Proponents make terrific claims about how well one feels on it.  Here's what I think now: It's a fad. While I believe we need lots of fresh, uncooked fruits and vegies in our diet each day, a diet that excludes everything cooked (or even most things that are cooked) is unhealthful in the long-term and is especially concerning when parents impose it on their growing children. A British raw foods enthusiast, Shazzie, has recently spoken out about this. She has a young child of her own and has observed many “raw children” who are “”not quite right “–stunted growth, dental problems, etc”. Dr. Andrew Weil does not approve of it, pointing out that nutrients released in certain foods only through cooking. Surprising that a ND would encourage this diet.

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