Home Forums General Discussion Radon Mines in Montnna

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    I should add the Mt. USA Radon mines have been used for people for longer than me – since 1950 for one & 1952 for the another. During that time this is 3 times the amount of time that people would have been seeing cancer come thru in their lifetimes from exposure to high Radon. Granted some may have been old when they came there but one only has to be 18 yr’s old & I dont think just the elderly get degenerative diseases.
    I have searched for one reported case from here in the states or overseas & cant find one who reported use of these spas or whatever in their history. Since people know that this could be a risk factor one would think if they got cancer – I wonder if this
    mine could have increased my risk.
    The only negative I read was hotels had wheelchairs that were left behind from people who came there. 😆

    I am moving on from the subject – as i dont want the forum to be all about this possible adjunct, just the more I tried to find fault with this method & both my husb. & I tried we could not find it. I lived in Iowa for a time which has a high level of Radon found in homes this was before the big radon scare of basements & I loved to spend time in our basement back then. I teased hubby saying hey my health was good back then – maybe we should move back to Ia. just teasing.

    I did find that out of the CDC map that there is ONLY one state in the whole USA that has NO cases of Lyme reported & that was Mt. I am not sure why if they dont have ticks or that the high radon exposure in general makes people & animals not get Lyme?
    But I did find that interesting as a Lymie – i would think IF i could handle the winters there – that should be a place to live so if i can lower my Lyme levels finally I can be sure I would never get it back from another darn tick like I had last summer stuck on me & I had the partial paralysis feeling from it!
    I thought for others who have Lyme that knowing MT. is safe from lyme – maybe a good spot to spend a summer at?


    @cavalier wrote:

    I did find that out of the CDC map that there is ONLY one state in the whole USA that has NO cases of Lyme reported & that was Mt. I am not sure why if they dont have ticks or that the high radon exposure in general makes people & animals not get Lyme?
    But I did find that interesting as a Lymie – i would think IF i could handle the winters there – that should be a place to live so if i can lower my Lyme levels finally I can be sure I would never get it back from another darn tick like I had last summer stuck on me & I had the partial paralysis feeling from it!
    I thought for others who have Lyme that knowing MT. is safe from lyme – maybe a good spot to spend a summer at?

    Hi Jill,

    Hmmmm….well, you know that old CDC and the awful reporting system it has for Lyme? Seems they do have significant problems there in Montana with tickborne illness and, when states don’t have an effective reporting system and docs aren’t aware of it or aren’t looking for it, then no reports will be made. Here in CT, docs stopped reporting Lyme at all a long time ago and we all know it’s pretty much Lyme Central around here…so the stats the CDC reports are thought to be 10 times greater than actual reports…possibly higher. So, before you head to Montana for your vacation, check these links out – there are many more, but the LLMD in Montana at the second link pretty much covers it:



    There are over 100 strains of borreliosis in the US and the strain borrelia miyamotoi is but one documented variety that doesn’t even show up on standard testing, so perhaps it’s no wonder that strains like this that may be more prevalent in certain parts of the US just aren’t being picked up by doctors. 🙁



    Maz – I did find that around Yellowstone park a different strain of TBD disease has been suspected to have been found but it’s not the Lyme & may not get detected by some of the lyme testing if not all they suspect. I also find the CDC figures are vastly underreported in looking at the southern states just by the actual cases that i know of so yes I did think of that when I saw no cases it could well be that the doc’s just dont think Lyme exists in MT. as so many here wrongly do. 🙄

    SD lyme Cpn babesia & Candida


    I posted a bit of info of my experience there in Mt. Mine, under the subject Oxidative Therapy.

    Jill SD, Lyme Cpn, & Candida

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