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    Lynne G.SD

    It is most strange that doctors don't use L-Lysine.Vets know all about it and a lot of their meds include it.Mine uses it for minor infections as well as for virus diseases.So if your cat or dog often gets runny eyes(often caused by a virus) or a bad case of sniffles and sneezing try disolving 1/8 of a tablet into their food once a day.Works beautifully.I say 1/8 of a tablet for a normal size cat.A lagre dog would take almost a full tablet as it goes by weight.Consider the dose you take then the animal's weight and do the math before giving it to him.


    I had a really bad case of Shingles last fall.  I was in the hospital with IV's for 5 days, came home with a port in my chest & did IV's at home for 2 weeks.  Then topped it off with a round of oral anti-virals.  During the time I was on the anti-viral medicine, it was as if the RA was in remission! 



    Have you thought about trying the antivirals again?


    Hi – I have L-Lysine on my supplement shelf from an entirely different angle. After SEB's rapid muscle deterioration, we tried it for it's muscle building properties. Can't say that we noticed much effect in him, but I use it myself now for cold sores…


    Hi jaydee,

    At your suggestion, I googled 'david gregg rheumatoid' and became..as you stated..completely intrigued by his observations/postulations.  I only skimmed, but will read more thoroughly.  Although I still haven't formally been diagnosed by any Physician, the fact that I have mild-moderate symptoms and a very elevated RF, I'm convinced I fall under the autoimmune umbrella.  Even MORE so now that I read this possible connection between Herpes and RA etc.  During my adolescent years I had several episodes of cold sores outbreaks, (herpes simplex), NB.  ALWAYS in the same place on my upper lip. (enough times that i have scar tissue on my upper lip-right side that prevents me from wearing lipstick since it doesn't stay on) My instances of these lip erruptions diminished then disappeared as I got older, but in 2006, I had a bout of shingles.  Not really severe, but enough to make me quite sick.  This is about the same time, (and later really), that my wrists, feet, neck, shoulders etc. began to give me trouble.  Is there a connection?  Boy oh boy…it sure does seem that way.  I also have some L-Lysine on my supplement shelf, but was afraid to really give it a try, (only took it a couple of days last year), since I wasn't sure about the efficacy of it's use for RA.  I am going to start today taking 2-500mg capsules bid.  For me…it will be fascinating to see if my RF, which jumps around so erratically on mino, stabilizes with the addition of L-Lysine and whether this could replace the antibiotics in the end.

    Thank-you very much for asking your question again and for alerting me to this possible viral connection.:)


    btw…the Lysine/Arginine ratio food list is fascinating since subjectively I tend to SEEK out the food items near the top of the list because they 'sit right' with me.  :blush:



    My husband keeps cold sores in check with Niacinamide. 500 mg per day.

    I think anything you can do to lower the burden of infection–viral, bacterial, fungal–your body is attempting to keep in check, helps fight rheumatoid disease.

    Optimal thyroid is important to the immune system. Progesterone is important to thyroid and the immune system. Gut health is important to the immune system. Etc., etc.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the people who do best on the AP protocol are taking a broad approach, and fixing weak links where they find them.


    After years of bitterly complaining about mouth ulcers, my new fantastic family practitioner of two years said, let's culture the mouth!  What a concept!  I came back positive for HSV-1 for mouth herpes.  I also get them in my nose too and these are very difficult to heal and bleed forever.  I have used the anti-virals, but haven't really had any luck with them, so have chosen to ride them out.  I actually haven't had anybreaks in quite a long while now that I think of it.  Great thread.  Cathy

    Lynne G.SD

    Hi Nickie;
          L-Lysineis used by my vet all the time with very good results.It is essential for maintenance of nitrogen equilibrium on top of being anti viral and antibiotic.Vet says to take our daily dosage ,which is 3000mg aday,for the average person of 120lb. or so and give the  pets weight ratio. I weigh 100lf,my cat is 10 lb so she takes 1/10 th of my  2500mg. L-Lysine should not be used for more than 6 months in a row.Then take a break of a couple months before resuming it.


    to take our daily dosage ,which is 3000mg a day,for the average person of 120lb.

     L-Lysine should not be used for more than 6 months in a row.Then take a break of a couple months before resuming it.

    Hi Lynne,

    This is good information.  Thanks.;)  I will indeed take it up to 3 grams a day and go with it for 4-5 months.  From what I have been reading, it doesn't  appear to contradict any of my other supplements, ( or the mino for that matter), and maybe…..just maybe…it'll prove beneficial to me.   Worth a try in my quest for total remission. 


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