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    I tried the lemon/olive oil detox drink tonight- have a question – when I whirled it all together and strained it I only got about 1/2-3/4 c of it out – is this about right or did I just not blend it long enough?  Will I notice anything tomorrow (change in bowels, etc?) or is this a subtle thing?

    Did the first epson salt/peroxide bath the other night- but I didn't see in the directions how long you soak after you add the peroxide.  I just did about 10 mins after adding it.  Not sure if it was related, but the next day I was really tired and slept most of the day (more toxins coming out?)

    I changed to pulse therapy on the Minocin the middle of last week and I think things are a tiny bit better.  Still can't remotely see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I keep believing it's coming….



    [user=812]camm[/user] wrote:

    is this about right or did I just not blend it long enough? 

    Did the first epson salt/peroxide bath the other night … the next day I was really tired and slept most of the day (more toxins coming out?)

    I changed to pulse therapy on the Minocin the middle of last week and I think things are a tiny bit better.  Still can't remotely see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I keep believing it's coming….

    Hi Camm,

    I found the same thing when I used the original recipe, so I added more water and ice. I quite enjoy this drink every night and a full 16 oz glass suits me. Here is the modified recipe I use:

    1 & 1/2 cups of water

    I whole lemon with skin (washed with green stamp and sticker removed – skin needed for its pectin to emulsify olive oil)

    2 tablespoons of olive oil (first cold pressed, extra virgin)

    I hunk of ginger to taste with skin (scrubbed).

    About 6 ice cubes

    Blend together until consistancy is smooth and thick, then drain through a wire strainer to remove pulp. Add stevia sweetner or honey to taste. I enjoy it tart-tasting, so don't bother to sweeten.

    The detox drink is a really gentle version of a full liver flush. I have never noticed much difference and I take it every night …it is a “very subtle thing,” as you aptly described. 😉 I've been on liver flushing support sites and have done a full liver flush. Although the full liver flush brings noticeable and intended changes to bowel movements, the daily slow flush is very mild modification and is intended to be slow and gentle. If anything, one might notice less constipation, if taken daily. It is also said to be helpful in reducing pain levels, but I think this is really subjective. For me, my pain levels varied on different days, anyway, so it has always been hard to gauge whether the detox drink has helped in this regard and to what degree. I mainly use it for its liver cleansing and alkalising effects.

    Here is the recipe for the peroxide baths from FAQ #6 on http://rheumatic.org/faq.htm in case others are interested in trying this detox bath. :

    “Oxidative therapy may be useful in reducing these symptoms. Garth Nicholson, M.D., director of The Institute for Molecular Medicine in Huntington Beach, California recommends peroxide baths (four 16 oz. bottles of 3% hydrogen peroxide in 20 inch bath or Jacuzzi, with 2 cups of Epsom salt. Patients soak in hot water plus the Epsom salt for five minutes until pores are open, then add the peroxide solution. This should be repeated three times a week at bedtime. No vitamins should be taken 8 hours before bath. The peroxide can also be directly applied to the skin after a hot shower/tub. The peroxide should be left on for 5 minutes and then washed off.”

    Sounds like you 'steeped' in the peroxide for a bit longer than recommended. You might be right that this is why you felt a bit exhausted the day after with the rush of toxins. Might be a good idea to drink plenty of water before your detox bath next time and the following day to help speed their exit.

    I have done better on pulsed dosing, too, because the daily dosing was just too much for me. I think it's only been a month for you on AP, so it's really early days. Although everyone is different, I felt much worse for the first few months on antibiotic therapy, but then gradually started to improve in a snail-like two step forward, one step back fashion all the way. May be a few more months before you begin to notice small changes, too. It's worth the wait, though! 😀

    Peace, Maz





    I've been hearing a lot about the detox bath, but something always gives me pause–hydrogen peroxide, isn't that bleach?  We are supposed to take baths in bleach?  That's not harsh on the skin? 



    I had taken at least 8 of those baths with no ill effects on my skin that I can see, I got some pimples on my back but I think that's because of something else :P. I also tried the far infrared sauna but only twice and it seemed pretty good, made me sweat a lot and I felt good after it. I'll try this detox drink tonight, although my stomach has been acting up during the last weeks so I might chicken out at the last moment.


    Marie- I tend to have very dry skin but haven't had any bad effects from bathing in the peroxide (3 so far).  The bleach they use on your hair is much stronger than the peroxide you're bathing in. This is the one your mom probably poured on your cuts and scrapes when you were a kid.

    elikhom- I did the lemon drink last night and had no stomach effects at all from it. It tasted like very tart lemonade (didn't taste the oil at all).  I, like so many of us here, have a very poorly functioning gut (basically my stool tests showed I had NO good flora in my gut, among other gut issues), so I definitely notice things that impact it.




    [user=601]Marie[/user] wrote:

    I've been hearing a lot about the detox bath, but something always gives me pause–hydrogen peroxide, isn't that bleach?  We are supposed to take baths in bleach?  That's not harsh on the skin? 


    Hi Marie,

    No need to worry…some bleaches contain hydrogen peroxide, but the chlorine in bleach is a different chemical altogether, although it does have bleaching properties, too. Hence why it's used as a tooth whitener and, as Camm said, for disinfecting cuts.



    My layman reasoning as to why this detox bath works (and this is just a guess on my part) is because it has an osmotic effect via the skin in combination with the epsom salts. Hydrogen peroxide is a by-product of die-off, so to soak in hydrogen peroxide would help to draw out toxin die-off from the body, while the epsoms acts as an alkalizing agent.

    Peace, Maz


    Thank you!

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