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    Hi everyone,

    Last week at my 2nd visit with my new AP dr. I found out some very interesting information.

    I was on a anti yeast protocal (diet and fluconazole) for the past month.  I was also taking a zitromyocin.   I was taking probiotics 3 times a day and using PB8,  Vital 10, and 2 types of Pharmax.    

    I had a terrible month.  I posted that I had a severe reaction to IVAX flucanazole for the first two weeks. It was as if  I was getting more yeast than less.  I switched to Glenmark brand flucanazole and started feeling a lot better.   But I still wasn't great.

    Then I had this terrible reaction lasting almost a full week,  to what i suspected was the probiotics.   I had posted in the past that my intuition was that certain probiotics with strains above the simple ones seemed suspicious to me.  (Salvarius,  rhamsone, etc…those found in PB8 and Vital 10)

    Well my dr had this real cool machine called an electodermograph that detects  sensitivites to everything from food to bacterias. 

    This machine confirmed that I do indeed have sensitiviy to probiotics that have anything other than bulgarius or acidolphulis in them!   It wasn't in my mind!  I always wondered why I was the only one with red flags on probiotics.  Now I know!  My dr. said that he has seen it before, but it is not very common.  The moral here is that we should always listen and be in touch to our red flags  even if they are contrary to every one else!

    He also tested me for sensitivities to the two brands of flucanazole that I had been using all month.  The IVAX brand ran the graph almost off the chart.   But I was also having sensitivity to the GLENMark brand.

    This little machine that he had also indicated several sensitivies to mycoplasma, and other bacteria that my son was having.  (I didn't do that part of the test, but will next time)

    It was a pretty cool machine that supplied me with some valuable info.   I now am getting ready to try NIZOL brand of antifungal instead.  The machine showed I had no sensitiviy to that one.   I understand it is a harsher drug though.

    Just thought I would share.   This electrodermograph is another great source that can be used to help us get info about ourselves. 



    Hi Marianne,

    I am pretty sure I told you that I am also sensitive to some probiotics. One of them is Jarro-Dophilus, a highly-rated probiotic that contains eight different strains of bacteria. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of buying a box of 120 capsules since it was a better buy.

    Tip: When buying a supplement you've never taken before, always buy the smallest bottle available, and don't buy more than one (unless you get the second one free). That way, you'll be out less money if it doesn't agree with you. Another option is to purchase the product from a store or online vendor with a generous return policy.

    BTW, I recall reading about a lady who took one of the more expensive probiotics and got very sick. It was a Dr. Ohhira's probiotic made with 12 strains of lactic acid bacteria. I am actually now suspicious of any probiotic that contains more than a few species of bacteria. People tend to think that more is better, and I suspect that that may be the real reason why some companies put so many different bacteria into their products. If you asked them what scientific research they used to justify including all the bacterial species that they put into their probiotic products I bet that many (most?) of the companies would not be able to give you an answer.


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    Hi Marianne,

    Wow, isn't that interesting that you suspected the probiotics were bothering you and the testing confirmed your sensitivity to them. You are very right about how important it is to listen to your body. That is what I've done too, and it helps to have a doctor that understands that as well.

    I've been tested on that machine countless times and it has helped me avoid some big problems as well as seek the best treatment for me-like you said that is not always what others have. One thing to keep in mind is that our bodies and our environments are always changing. So sometimes I've had to tweak some things even after I was ok at first because of some environmental issues. 

    When I first started AP in June 2007, the only thing that helped ease my pain was aspirin. I was taking 15 extra strength aspirin per day so I thought I should switch to a coated aspirin to protect my stomach. A few days after that I started feeling sick to my stomach. I was also herxing and feeling really bad in general so I had no idea why I was feeling worse. I took all my medication in and was tested. The electro-dermal testing said it was the coating on the aspirin. I swithed back to the non-coated aspirin and the stomach problems went away. The people in the docs office that run that machine are also very good at what they do.

    Have you tried the SRT yet? That has helped me a lot too.

    Thanks for sharing your experience.




    [user=262]Merla[/user] wrote:

    Have you tried the SRT yet? That has helped me a lot too.

    Hi Merla–

    Sorry to butt in, but what is SRT?  I also get checked by the electro-dermal machine and feel it is very worthwhile.


    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


    Hi Trudi,

    Oh you're never butting in – that's why we write on the bulletin board 🙂 to share what we know.

    From my doctor's literature : “SRT 'sensitivity removal technique' is an allergy treatment that uses kinesiology (muscle response testing) to determine what substances you may react to, which energy meridians are blocked, and to identify treatment substance which are likely to correct the imbalances…treatmentents involve stimulating various acupuncture points while in contact with the substances being treated…”

    I can't count the number of these treatments I've had. Sometimes I've noticed my improvement before I left the doctors office and sometimes I didn't notice anything. But even if I don't notice anything specific I have noticed that I'm not as sensitive to as many things overall. Which is really good news for me – before this some doctors called me a “universal reactor” but NOT anymore!



    Thanks for the explanation, Merla.  I'm going to have to ask my doctor about this on my next visit.


    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


    Hi Phil,

    I remember your post.  You are the only other one sensitive to probiotics that I know.

    I think probiotics are meant to be a good thing and were just fine in the past. 

     But people making them are going overboard and tampering with ever more strains to add without enough research.     I read that some strains are genetically modified and even made to be resistant to antibiotic.   That is a red flag for me.

    I am real glad I found out that I am OFFICIALLY sensitive to these strains.  I will never take them again.

    Now, though I am also wondering about the quantity we use with or without added strains.   Too much of a good thing can turn it bad.

    I have decided to cut back on the amount of the Pharmax probiotic that I use.   I use just one intensive or high potency capsule each day.

    Merla, thanks for sharing about the SRT machine.   No I never used it yet.   It sounds very interesting, though.   I am sure I will find out about it at one of the visits with Dr. R.    

    Were you ever able to figure out what specific ingredient the coating of the aspirin you were using had that made you reactive?

    I do have a question for you on your antifungal medicine.  How long did you stay on it before he took you off of it?   Did you have to restart it several times over the years?   Did you ever have a problem with elevated liver enzymes?





    I remember early on, Trudi talking about the benefit of electrodermal testing.  I have been on a search to find a practitioner.  I am a believer in bio resonance testing, and the abilitiy to find what resonates with your body.  So many tests are inaccurate.  I don't want to take medication or supplements that don't support what my body requires.  The last thing we need is to cause undo stress on our already stressed systems.

    It was an interesting experience.  I came to the appointment wanting to know if I really had lyme and babesia, and if my current protocol was effective.  The testing revealed nanobacterium, babesia, rocky mountain spotted fever, EBV viruses, and mycoplasma.  I don't necessarily have all of these infections, but have been exposed to them.  It was also determined that there was adrenal fatigue, connective tissue, eye and parathroid sensitivity.

    We tested every supplement and antibiotic.  The ones that I thought were really effective, tested positive, and those that were questionable, tested negative.  She even tested my empty IV clindamycin bag and a script for mepron.  The IV tested extremely positive, and the script tested negative.  Her recommendation was to wait to add the mepron, and that is exactly what I did. 

    Basically, it corroborated what I already felt that my body needed.  I would use it again, especially when there is resistance to a certain protocol or supplement, just to be sure it is not stressing my body.



    [user=1552]nspiker[/user] wrote:

    I would use it again, especially when there is resistance to a certain protocol or supplement, just to be sure it is not stressing my body.

    I'm hooked up to the machine every time I have an appointment.  The doctor (practitioner) told me that if something wasn't quite right, it would show up.  I hadn't had blood work since May and was a bit nervous for the blood work in January.  My bloodwork showed improvement :).  The blood testing is much more expensive than the machine–makes me wonder–

    I plan on taking all meds and supplements with me in the future to test them each time–as you say, just to be sure it is not stressing my body.


    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


    Hi Nspiker,

    So if you test positive on the electro-derma machine….that means you are okay with the item tested and you can continue to use it?   Did that mean the line on the graph stays in the neutral zone?

    And then, I presume “negative” means the line goes out of the neutral zone?   I am going to bring in as many things as I can that I use daily, to see if I am sensitive to them next time.

    It is amazing that this machine can test all those bacteriums.   So I presume that means you have been exposed to these bacteriums IF the graph goes out of the neutral zone and shows sensitivity?  I wander what this means if you acquire the actual bacteria in the future that you reacted to?  Could you ACTUALLY have the bacteria and that is why you reacted to it?     How did this machine correlate to lab tests that you took showing what you ACTUALLY have and must be treated for?

    Why are you looking for a practioner that uses the machine, if you already had the test with a current/past doctor?




    What I meant by the fact that I was in search of a practitioner, is that for a long time, could not find anyone who used EDS.  Recently, I did find someone.  I do feel that you cannot trust just anyone when it comes to this kind of testing; they have to have a special gift or ability to assess and interpret results.  The woman that I saw was good.  For me, it just corroborated what my gut was telling me all along. 

    She would take the supplement and place it on a metal tray and the result was either green for yes, or red for no; and it also told what quantity was recommended.  There are different kinds and manufacturers of bio resonance testers, so your practitioner may have a different method of screening.

    I have never been completely convinced that lyme was the overriding issue in my illness.  So far, lyme hasn't even shown up.  It could be that other bacteria/protozoa and viruses are more prevalent now, and need to be treated.  Could be that lyme is suppressed with everything else that's going on.  It is comforting for me to know that I am not going blindly; trusting doctors with a treatment that I'm not sure about, and know we are on the right track getting results.

    The different diagnoses are just a compilation of the most stressful things affecting your system.  I may have nanobacterium to add to my diagnosis; we all may have various forms of bacteria that are contributing to the imbalance.  The key is to get your body to a state where it can handle whatever comes its way. 

    The practitioner has homeopathic remedies for the different imbalances.  She also compiles all the remedies into one to get your body back in a state of balance.  I don't know how effective these remedies are?  I am just happy to be able to test to know what works for me.

    Trudi, lucky-you that your doctor tests you every time!




    When you're referring to be “hooked up” to the machine when you go to your doctor, are you referring to your LLMD? I know we have the same doc so, I'm just wondering if you use his ND in house, and the test you're talking about is the “Computerized Bio-resonance Screening Test.”

    If this isn't the test you're referring to, are you seeing an ND you would recommend?




    [user=1619]MMW[/user] wrote:

    Hi Phil,

    Merla, thanks for sharing about the SRT machine.



    If you liver enzymes were dangerously high, how did you ever get them down while still taking the flucanazole?   I was shocked that you have been taking this for 3 yrs.  I figured I would do this for a month or two.   Never realized this protocal might involve years!

    I think it is fantastic that you weaned off of prednisone.  I followed all the posts on your exciting progress.   I am sure Dr. R. is so proud of your progress too.

    I think you have a good plan of weaning of each medicine slowly, with flucanazole being last.

    I wonder if the body can adapt become dependent on flucanazole making it hard to wean off of too.   Have you heard about such a thing?

    Oh, and when does one use the SRT….for what kind of situation.  Does it actually desensitize you from a reaction to something?



    [user=1619]MMW[/user] wrote:


    If you liver enzymes were dangerously high, how did you ever get them down while still taking the flucanazole?

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