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    hello everyone. I realized my response was indeed a new post. Thanks to Linda and Parisa for their responses to my prednisone dependence. I intend to start LDN (low dose naltrexone) in a couple of days, and I have read that immunosuppressants are counter productive with LDN, so now I have an immediate reason to curtail the prednisone. I think I will try the 1 mg drop every 3-4weeks, after asking the doctor of course. (That is the first question on my list). I was on Remicade for 10 months, then on Humira for 1 month. Suffered what a doctor called opportunistic infections,(MRSA and pneumonia). In the past I tried Mobic (No effect), ibuprofen used to help me, but I got up to where I was taking 3200 mg.s at a time. Methotrexate doesn't excite me at all. (and is counter productive with LDN). How do I introduce the NSAID (say celebrex) with the prednisone? Should I be all the way off the pred before I start taking the NSAID? This is another Dr. question of course but I would like to hear from fellow patients as to their experiences with this. Thanks, jims P.S. everything I have read indicates LDN is ok with AP, so my multiple antibiotic protocol should continue. 🙂


    As far as I know, it's not contraindicated to take NSAIDs at the same time as prednisone.   I know my husband took both at the same time.


    hi jims,

    i remember that this subject came up during my husband's last visit to the rheumatologist…he asked if he could take ibuprofen for headaches while he's on prednisone (he's on 7.5mg) and the doctor said that he shouldn't take it.  i think the reason has to do with both medications being hard on the stomach & combining them increases risks of stomach problems/ulcers, etc.  perhaps an occasional ibuprofen for headaches would not be that risky, but taking an NSAID consistently on a daily basis may be problematic for your stomach.
    i am by no means a doctor, just my two cents. 🙂
    i am very curious how your LDN treatments go…please post updates!

    best to you~


    I took Mobic and prednisone for years, but my stomach is a mess b/c of it. I recently stopped the mobic and am slowly reducing the prednisone. If you're really serious about discontinuing the prednisone, you'll need some kind of anti-inflammatory or the antibiotics won't be very effective. I don't see why you couldn't start an NSAID the last few months or weeks you are taking prednisone, if it starts to cause stomach pain you can stop.

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