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    I meant to include this in my update post, but forgot…

    My question is:

    Have you ever had ONLY your SED rate spike ( while everything else remained unchanged ) for seemingly no reason? ( ex: you werent sick, didnt have an infection, etc. )

    As I wrote in my update post, my sed rate went from 37 to 75 w/o explanation, as everything else, including my CRP, has remained unchanged. ( lab error? )

    If, so, did you ever find out why?

    Did it just return to normal ( or go back to its previous level ) on its own?

    Thanks in advance!


    Connie   >^..^<


    Hi Connie,

    Glad to hear about update! I was wondering how you were doing. And yes – how about the snow here in NJ, not to mention the floods and hail!

    We still see Dr W once in a while but are getting our main treatment elsewhere for now. I agree with you – he grows on you once you recognize that some things he says are jokes!

    In answer to this particular post – Yes, we (SEB) recently had a sed rate hike up to 50, after several years of being only mildly elevated (which was confusing in itself). I thought it might be because he weaned off prednisone by January, but it was only mild even before he went on prednisone, so we don't know what it means.

    I myself have been taking Krill for over a year – and a great side benefit is that it helps with PMS cramps!!

    Great to hear that you are doing well:)



    Hi Connie,

     Having my sed rate  closely monitered for  3 yrs  actually worked as a great advantage to me in more than one way. The first obviously to measure inflammation but the second was really interesting. Because i was having it done so often ,I thought i 'd  try using it as a test tool to see if my body  may be reacting to foods i was suspicious of being sensitive to. Up to 2 days before and  including the day of the test i would eat something i questioned  and then go have the test done. Sure enough , when i ate the food i was suspicious of , my sed rate would be go way up  but when i avoided the  suspicious food, my sed rate would be within normal range. BTW all other results remained  what they normally were. It was a funny liitle experiment that i learned so much from . I never thought food would affect me in that manner  but in my case , certain foods highly contributed to inflammatory responses.

    Just thought i would pass this on .





      OMG!! your post.. it really hit home with me!

    Long story short… I try to eat healthy. I am not perfect and dont always accomplish this, but I try. Anyway, lately, I have been spending time with old friends and doing a lot of “celebrating” and eating things that I do not usually eat: to be specific, VERY high fat / high sugar foods, like CHEESECAKE..  yes, giant slabs of full fat, full sugar cheesecakes..  and super premium ice cream.. and pizza…  and candy…

    I know, I know.. what the heck am I doing, right?? I know better for sure, but when you're out and laughing and everyone is having a good time, you think “ahh.. what the heck..”  and I have been doing this quite often lately, and come to think of it, I had a “cheesecake” incident shortly before my most recent bloodwork! YIKES!!

    I think I DID hear Dr. W mention something about animal fat and sugar, and how they can cause inflammation… although he thought it strange that my CRP didnt spike right along with my SED rate.. but still…

    I think I did myself in with all of that “food partying”!!

    I am so glad you posted about what happens to you when you eat inflammatory food.. now I am convinced this is exactly what happened to me!

    Ok.. back to egg beaters and fat free salad dressings and NO MORE SUGAR…

    And I KNOW BETTER.. I know better.. what was I thinking! I am kicking my own butt now…

    Thanks again, Casey!

    Connie   >^..^<



    I wouldn't cut out all fat. You should be eating healthy fats like olive oil, flax seed oil, avocados, etc.  Healthy fats are an important part of the diet.



    I agree with Parisa. For example, we need certain fats like Omega 3 fatty acids. Our bodies cannot make these on their own and they are necessary for good health.



     You said a MOUTHFULL… the N'oreaster a couple of weeks ago was INSANE! thats the worst storm- of ANY kind- I can ever recall in my entire life in New Jersey.. completely NUTS!! we have had enough in this state, thats for sure!!

    Dr. W.. yes, he can actually be a real hoot once you know how to take him.

    I wonder if SEBs SED rate spike had anything to do with anything he had been eating or drinking?? I think its high time I clean up my diet. this is a constant struggle for me. I cant wait to get my Mega Red Krill oil… its good to know that it has side benefits!

    Hope all is continuing to go well for you guys… 🙂

    Talk to you soon! ( enjoy all of the pink blossoming trees and dogwoods, etc, around Jersey right now! )

    Connie   >^..^< 

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