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    Hello all. I don't know if you recall my earlier visit, but I was the guy that had the Tetracycline treatment in Mexico years ago.

    Well  much water has passed under the bridge since I last posted. I visited with Dr N in Lansing Mi and found him to be very knowledgeable and a really great guy. He proposed a treatment plan which included 10 IV treatments in 10 days, followed by a daily regimen of mincycline. My only problem is insurance. He doesn't accept any and out of pocket for me at this time was not something I could do. At the same time I had dropped off a packet of literature to my primary care Dr with the hopes that she would take an interest. I was at somewhat of a standstill, since I also had to travel a bit for work and was unable to follow up on either for a while.

    Then A week ago Tuesday, I ended up in the hospital with acute diverticulitis. When it rains, it pours… 🙂  Fortunately, my surgeon wanted to opt for an antibiotic treatment in lieu of surgery at this time and I readily concurred. I was admitted to the hospital for 7 days and received 3 or 4 bags of Cipro a day and a couple of procedures to assist in draining absesses on my lower intestine.

    By the third day, my arthritis began improving and I had been taken off of my Arava and my pred dose was cut in half. If anything it should have gotten worse. My mind is now telling me that this mega dosing of antibiotics is easing my arthritis. I was released from the hospital feeling better than I had in a few years. Today I had my follow up with my PC Dr and she had read the literature that I had left and seemed quite eager to go with this protocol. Since I have all ready had a preliminary dosgae of Cipro, she prescibed enough minicycline to allow 1 100mg capsule per day. We took blood and are going to track the results. Needless to say I am quite happy.

    When I did this in 1982, it was a very quick relief scenario for me and I have no reason to believe that it should be any other way now. I still feel so much better. As little as two weeks ago, I had a constant backdrop of pain in all of my joints. Now it is limited to a couple and it is very controllable with a couple of Tylenol and a heat pad at night. I cannot begin to tell you the difference that I feel. I traded in my rose colored glasses a long time ago, so I know the reality that I may experience setbacks, but I am willing to deal with those as long as that overall feeling of low grade pain is gone.

    Sorry to not have been reporting sooner, but I have been sidetracked…;)

    I will report regularly of my progress and I hope that it will be all good news.

    All my best to each and every one of you. When I say “I know how you feel”…you can take that to the bank.




    It sounds like the diverticulitis was a blessing in disguise; glad that the antibiotics is doing their work.

    Thanks for the update–you express yourself well on paper,


    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


    This same thing happened to me two years ago when I was hospitalized for C.Diff. I was under three type of antibiotics and IV for 14 days and all my rheumatoid symptoms were gone, all swollen were disappeared, felt like a completely new person. Only after a month I stopped the antibiotics, the symptoms started to creep back on me. :crying:

    Antibiotics temporarily got rid of my symptoms. I was convinced AP will work for me. I've already seen some improvements even though I've been only on AP for six months.



    That's great, newbie Dave. 

    Since you responded so well to the large doses of IV abx, I'm wondering if 100mg of daily Mino will be enough.  Seems like most AP docs would have you on either 200mg daily or 200mg pulsed M/W/F.

    Just something to think about as you continue to improve. 😉

    A Friend


    Glad you have gotten some relief, and have a physician who is willing to prescribe AP for you.  Hope you will do well.  If you have not read about taking larger doses of probiotics while on abx therapies, I encourage you to do this.  By the time most of us have chronic illness, our gut system is already overrun with unfriendly organisms, and our population of the helpful ones are greatly diminished.  This allows our gut system to become overrun with candida fungus, etc. 

    I discovered and read your post just now, while on my way to post an important article/announcement about taking abx and Vitamin C.  I'm going to post it under a General Discussion topic, so you may be interested in reading it. 

    Good luck to you,



    Not to disappoint you, I remembered Lynnie_Sydney told me another theory about my hospital intensive antibiotic IV treatment. She said it could also be leaky gut problem. It sounds very reasonable.

    Her assumption was while I was in the hospital, I could not eat during these 14 days, pretty much on IV, so my stomach and colon were empty 

    that was why all my rheumatoid problems were gone.

    This could be another variable to explain it, just coincidentally we were on IV antibiotic treatment at the same time.

    Lynnie_Sydney may tell you better.



    Thank you Trudi, I appreciate your kindness.




    Thank you for your response, JB. The last time I was hospitalized the same thing happened and with like results. After a month everything returned. This was prior to my finding this website. I continued on the conventional meds from my rheumie and continued to deteriorate.

    I am firmly of the belief that the last thing I need is a weakened immune system, so it is with no great trepidation that I remove the Arava from my system. The predinisone will be a slower withdrawal.

    Since I have been the recipient of good things as a result of AB therapy, my hopes are high that it willl work as it did for me in the past. If not, well, we'll just head in a different direction.  It took a time for me to obtain max results from the ab protocol the first time, so I am prepared to give it the time that is needed.

    Thank you again for your response and if I may, encourage you to keep on keepin' on with the therapy and that the relief you seek is just ahead.


    Hi Kim and thank you for your response! I wasn't sure about the 100mg dosage as well, but after some negotiation with my Dr, we agreed to monitor this closely and if an adjustment is needed, we will bump it up. I am very glad that my regular Dr is on board with this.


    Thanks again,




    Thanks AF… You advice about probiotics is warranted and I'm on my way with that. You made good points.

    I'll be sure to check out your post on the Vitamin C issue.

    Thanks again!


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