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    hey guys, had a very hard time swallowing minocin tonite, in fact still feels like it's in my throat burning as it tries to go down.  has anyone else had mobility problems and ap helped.  i hope so.  please let me know. thanks need major encouragement right now.

    Nan – RA

    Tish… you didn't lay down after you took it did you?  They say you shouldn't for the very reason that it will stick in the throat. 


    Hi Tish,

    Sorry you are having motility troubles right now. But for most of us SD'ers it's a regular issue. Remain calm before ingesting any pill (anticipating it being a problem usually leads to one), stay in an upright position and take anything with plenty of fluids. If it gets stuck try continue the fluids and swallow hard with every swallow. You can also try a couple of hard taps with your fist to the bottom of the throat area ( not as bad as it sounds).  If the capsule is really a problem open it up (or them up) and combine carefully with fluid then suck up liquid mixture with a 12 ml syringe and shoot down your throat. Anyway you can get it down without the burning/stuck scenario is better. Yes, all of your SD symptoms will eventually be less and less over time (amount of time is very individual). Then one day you'll find you feel like your old self again and can consider yourself in remission. I rely more on how I feel than any labs or numbers (you can get to caught up in that). The mind is your most powerful weapon be careful what you tell it/fill it with (ie. numbers). You will have to remain on some dose of AP therapy all your life but that seems like a small price to pay to be well. So hang in there, remain positive, allow yourself to have bad days but know that tomorrow is a whole new day. Get plenty of rest (learn to say no a lot), eat well, stay hydrated, be vigilant about your Minocin and supplements considered useful in fighting SD are always helpful. Take care of you, you're number 1 right now. There are a lot of good people on this board ready to support you so never feel bad about coming here for just that. Support right now is crucial. Take care and I hope I was able to help a bit.





    The minocin capsule is sticky. Maybe you can soak it in something slippery (olive oil? ) before swallowing it? Just a thought. Hmmm. Wonder if WD-40 is digestible:)



    I had motility issues for quite sometime –I found that taking seltzer water instead of plain water helped quite a bit —take a good sip before the capsule to wet things the n the capsule with about 10 oz of seltzer water –helped me !!! –THe consolation is that you can hopefully look forward to getting back to normal –I am fine with this now –to the extent that I swallow 10 capsules of probiotic all at once



    richie, thanks so much for the encouragement.  i appreciate it more than you know.

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