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    This morning, I woke up with patches of rashes on both of my hands, very itchy and also had mild diarrhea. Around 1:00 PM, the diarrhea went worse. It's all water…. (sorry for the yucky stuff)…..Now it's 3:00 PM, my time to take minocycline. I am wondering if I should go ahead take my med? Any suggestions will be very appreciated.




    JB-  I would wait on the mino until the diarrhea is under control.  I would increase probiotics and try and eat some yogurt and maybe some gingerroot tea or peppermint tea.  Maybe just stick with things in the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) and wait to start mino back up until diarrhea has stopped completely.  That happened to me once too.  Good luck and hope it stops soon!


    Thanks, Fran. I will skip it today. Hopefully I will have a better day tomorrow. 😎



    Your post is very timely…I'm right there with ya!  ARgh…will I ever get past the initial ups and downs for just a nice steady up:headbang:

    — whaleharbor

    Minocycline 100mg every other day with food...lots of food: Zydus brand. Celecoxib 200mg twice per day: Greenstone brand.


    Sorry to hear about your setback JB. I would tell your physician, because as I recall diarrhea is one of the symptoms to be on the watch for. Yes, you can try probiotics and kefir until you hear from the doc. My grocery store now sells flavored kefir in the yogurt section so I am trying it.

    Hope you're back on track soon. 😉

    John McDonald

    JB – I agree with Fran and Susan. I would add that if you are dosing daily then this might be an excellent time to discuss with doc alternate day dosing (QOD).  All these gut issues and also dizziness seem to be better with QOD dosing.



    Message for JB

    Depletion of the good bacteria in the body will cause diarrhoea in anyone taking any antibiotic.  My original Dr. used to always put patients on a probiotic for a week before commencing any antibiotic treatment.  Depends on how much abx you are on as to how many you need.  I need four per day but if you are just on the Mino one or two should be enough whatever you feel you need. to stop it.

    The itching sounds as though you are not on a systemic antifungal.  If your Dr. will not prescribe get them to take a toe nail clip and send it to the mycology dept at a hospital.  You need it all the time whilst on any antibiotic treatment.  If they will not give it to you I am afraid you need another Dr. Who will,or you will develpe all sorts of problems down the track.

    Grisoven is a good one we can get in Aust. do not know if you can just ask for it but you could try.  It will make you herx as well. so build up gradually.  It is a daily treatment. even if you are only on a three days a week treatment work up to daily with the systemic if that is what is what the treatment says.

    This particular Dr. was holistic that told us all this.  He often had patients who requested abx treatment get diarrhoea . Learnt a great deal whilst being treated there over the years.


    Hi all,

    I had a sleepless night, no more diarrhea, but my stomach felt very funny. You guys suggestions are really very good and much appreciated. I will give Dr. S a call today and see what I can do with it. I had kefir and aslo Activia by Dannon yesterday. It helped alot.

    Will take it easy today.

    Thanks so much!





    Sorry to hear of your troubles.  I hope you are feeling better soon.  I have a question for you.  I am going to see DR S for my RA in Aug.  They offered me an earlier appointment from a cancellation, but I had just been released from the hospital and didn't think my arms could take anymore IV's for a few days.  the nurse said “Well we just give you one IV Cath and leave it in”.  That concerned me.  How on earth can they use the same IV line for 5 days?  Is it a pick line?  I have read that you were treated there recently.  do you mind telling me, did you have the same IV line the whole time?  Was it a standard IV line?

    Thanks a bunch!


    DX Rheumatoid Arthritis- 3/2008, Began AP 8/2008-continued various forms of AP through present. It's long and complicated- have a question re: my protocol, just ask 🙂

    A Friend

    [user=266]JBJBJB[/user] wrote:

    This morning, I woke up with patches of rashes on both of my hands, very itchy and also had mild diarrhea. Around 1:00 PM, the diarrhea went worse. It's all water…. (sorry for the yucky stuff)…..Now it's 3:00 PM, my time to take minocycline. I am wondering if I should go ahead take my med? Any suggestions will be very appreciated.   JB


    So sorry to hear about this worrisome problem, and hope soon you will understand what is involved and the best way to turn this around. 

    Recently, I found the following link which I literally poured over for several days while out of town.  It was ironic this link showed up in my search, for I knew the doctor/author well, and about her extraordinary work with seriously ill patients. 

    When I read your post above, I remembered something you might find useful:

    http://www/pbraunmd.org/magnesiu.htm  — especially you might want to read page 4 of 11, under the heading “Gastrointestinal Disorders.”  I also highly recommend you not only read the whole paper, but you might want to print 11 pages of it.  She has included citations and text under the various headings. 

    Amazing to me about the above paper is that I had been learning about this broad subject (over the past year or more) bit by bit and trying to figure out how this information applies to my own resistant/puzzling health history.  I had come to the conclusion — even before I found this article — that oral administration for me for replacing depleted minerals, apparently was not as effective for me as I'd hoped.  I had a history of malaborption, but had thought it was no longer a problem.  I apparently am wrong about that. 

     Dr. B's paper has put many more things in perspective and given me a bigger picture, with what seems like more effective options. 

    Some of the referenced material and protocols in this paper include information from  a book I already have by one of the referenced authors.  It just may be that every one who posts on this Board may have some unique problem that can be addressed by information in this  same paper. 

    Before I left town last week, another post seemed important about this subject as well, and I posted it either with a post or as a new topic:  [the censor does not like one of the words in the link, but you can replace the word coc_tail and add the “t” in if you do a search]

    I found this research by Thorne Research, Inc.  very, very interesting…. especially in light of the title of Magnesium Therapy by P. Braun, M.D. It appears such therapy as this may be needed by some patients to overcome some diagnoses. 
    JB, hope you get clear up this most recent pesky problem soon,


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