Home Forums General Discussion Need a AP Doc in Charlotte

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    We have moved from Md/DC area to Charlotte, NC in September and my wife was treated for RA with a variety of AP meds, but could not tolerate Mino or Doxy. She had settled on Biaxin and did very well, to the point the Doc pronounced her “cured”. He did warn it may come back and she should begin the Biaxin to “stay in front of it”. Well she was off it for almost a year, but it appears to be back, ever so slightly but gaining a little ground with pain and fatigue increasing. Has anyone gone this route before and what did they do?
    I would like to get her back to an AP Doc as soon as possible. We live north of Charlotte (`15 miles) and hopefully I can get a name here??



    [user=566]wjrez[/user] wrote:

    I would like to get her back to an AP Doc as soon as possible. We live north of Charlotte (`15 miles) and hopefully I can get a name here??

    Hi Wjrez,

    I will send you a private message with the AP doctor list for North Carolina. Just click on the 1 new message (in green print) at the top right of this page.

    So glad your wife did so well on Biaxin. I took it, too, all of last year in combo with tetracycline and made great progress. There have been a number of studies to demonstrate its effectivenes in those with RA. 😀

    Peace, Maz


    HI Maz!

    I moved east of Charlotte this past August and now have lung issues and need to get back on my AP. I moved down from Ohio. Could you also pass along any referrals for me? You're a sweetie!

    Many blessings…




    Hi Cindy,

    Have sent you a private message. Just click on where it says, “1 New Message,” in green, top right of this page. You need to be logged in to retrieve it.

    Peace, Maz

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