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    So, I know you all are going to think I'm weird or something.  I'm not weird…just desperate…or shall I say…determined for a cure…please God.

    I'm seeing an acupuncturist who also does NET and NAET.  Mind over matter?  Does it really work or not?  Could this help us all?  Am I being taken in by a well-meaning quack? 

    So she's been using NAET to clear some food sensitivities…actually used it to clear my tummy troubles as it related to Minocycline…so far so good.  Seems to have worked.

    Here's a link to an information website.


    She's also beein using NET to clear “emotional blockages in the body”  Here's a link to that website.


    I'm very skeptical.  She's a person I've known casually, she's about my age and we've known eachother for a while before I became her patient…so I'm pretty open about my disbelief in any of this actually working…but I seem to keep going back..and it seems to be helping.  She keeps telling me that I don't have to believe in it for it to work.  She claims to have helped other RA sufferers through these techniques in conjunction with a traditional rheumy's care of course…she doesn't proclaim that her services are anything but supportive.

    I figure it can't hurt me other than make my wallet a bit lighter…

    But I'm just curious…Is it all in my mind or has anyone else been helped by this?


    Minocycline 100mg every other day with food...lots of food: Zydus brand. Celecoxib 200mg twice per day: Greenstone brand.


    [user=217]whaleharbor[/user] wrote:

    but I seem to keep going back..and it seems to be helping.


    Hi Whaleharbor,

    I think your key is right there in what you said above! The proof of the pudding is in the eating, with anything. If it's working for you and it's harmless, then why not keep using the technique?

    NET sounds very much like EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) that is recommended by Dr M:


    I've tried and sometimes still use EFT when going through something stressful. It helped particularly when I was at my worst with my RA (three months into treatment) and I needed to release some grief from the sudden loss of my mother. I got Lyme and she passed away very suddenly about a month later…shortly after that I was diagnosed with severe, swift onset RA. When I started using EFT (helped to learn how to use it by a practitioner friend), within a very short period of time, I started to improve….very slowly, but it was when I turned a corner and the antibiotics really started to kick in.

    One is always going to get mixed reviews with these mind/body techniques and EFT has come up before on the board – you can do a search on the old board to read more. However, the way I look at it is that if stress can trigger our diseases, then removing stress triggers can also regress them. We know that stress creates all kinds of bio-chemical reactions in the body that we can't see, but can definitely be felt and are manifested as physical signs and symptoms. Just being overworked can make us more predisposed to colds and flu, for instance. I enjoyed the way the NET technique was simply described on the website you included….the Pavlov dogs response, because it's so true. We do get wired from a very young age to respond to stressors in certain ways and, when we a new stressful situation arises, our brain, which is just like a rolodex, goes flipping back through its pages to find a similar situation in our past to determine how we responded and unconsciously projects and overlays that same scene onto the new one…and we react in a similar way without every really knowing why.

    Looks like NET also incorporates an element of muscle testing and accupressure (applying pressure on meridian points in the body similar to accupuncture, which uses needles). I've tried muscle testing in a group setting and it's actually pretty wild how it actually works. I also have a friend who uses accupressure and that's also a wonderfully relaxing technique. So, in combination, I can't see how it can hurt a person and, if it helps, why not? The mind is a very powerful thing and simple thoughts release all kinds of chemicals into the body….if thoughts/emotions are then somehow changed, then the bio-chemical pathways of the body also hold the potential for being rewired. In the medical world it's referred to as the “placebo effect,” simply because it's a well-known reaction that has to be taken into account and adjusted for in studies.

    I don't know much about NAET and would like to learn more about it, so please do share your experiences of it when you feel comfortable to report back. I've heard of others on the other AP boards using it and, if it does something to reduce the hyperallergenic state, then it could well be a helpful supportive therapy.

    Thanks for sharing, Whaleharbor!

    Peace, Maz


    Hi WH,

    When I was having many tummy troubles with Minocycline, I also tried NAET with my chiropractor / accupuncturist. That was last October / November and I haven't had any nausea with Mino since. However, I'm not a great test case because I also dropped my dose significantly around the same time.

    My chiro is a very good friend and she learned NAET for her daughter who has severe asthma and allergies. So I have seen her daughter's allergies improve significantly.

    NAET uses muscle testing and different pressure points, but is similar in approach to EFT in that you stimulate specific points on the body. Both are painless.

    I ended up doing EFT more because it didn't involve a trip to my friend's clinic when I was feeling too ill to go out. And I found the information on a free download off the internet. However, I did not need EFT for the mino after 2 NAET sessions.

    My husband will probably do the NAET procedure for his allergies, but he'll have to wait until after a good freeze so his sources of grass and trees are dormant. He's kicking himself this summer that he didn't get it done last winter. Poor guy can hardly breathe through his nose.

    Western medicine has a lot to learn. The mind / body connection is so strong. As Maz said, the proof is in the pudding. If you find relief, it is working. And that is cause for celebration!


    Susan LymeRA

    If you find relief, it is working. And that is cause for celebration!

    Amen to that sister!

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