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    Seaside Shell


    I am meeting with my doctor this morning to request that he treat my RA with AP.  And I wondered if he can do the testing for Mycoplasma. Here on the RBF I read that the “testing is very specialized; not every lab does this testing or does it well.”

    Can you recommend where I can get this testing done accurately?  I am in Washington State.

    Thanks so much for your help on this.



    This link may help:

    Scroll down to where it says: Mycoplasma testing


    Jan Lucinda1

    It is unfortunate that there are not better tests for mycoplasma.  Hopefully these can be developed and become more available.

    Seaside Shell

    Thanks Michele and Jan.

    One of the contacts listed in the link was located in Seattle. I did email them and hope to hear back soon.

    Take care,  Shell


    [user=2445]Jan Lucinda1[/user] wrote:

    It is unfortunate that there are not better tests for mycoplasma.  Hopefully these can be developed and become more available.

    My mom's dr. had a micoplasma test run on her through a common lab.  The tests can be done but maybe they aren't as accurate.  She tested positive for IGg (had it at one time in her life) and negative for IGm (no active infection.)  Now whether the no active infection means the mino is working or that it just was a false negative I do not know.



    Hi Shell,

    The lab that Brown used is located here, if this helps…I think it was also in the list Michelle referred you to. They normally send a testing kit to you, which needs to be signed off on by a physician:


    Dr S in Iowa (trained under Dr. Brown – chapter in Scammell book) uses this particular lab for testing. Although it's not necessary to have the testing done in order to start AP, he and some other AP physicians use these tests to code the IVs for infection to help with the insurance approval process.

    Peace, Maz



    I had my original testing done through TARCI, The Arthritis Research Center.

    Having that positive test result on a piece of paper was what convinced my MD to write the prescription for Doxy. I was afraid no one would be willing to take my sudden joint pain seriously until it had gotten much, much worse.

    I also did a follow-up test, to see if I was clearing the infection.

    Not everyone does it this way, obviously.

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