Home Forums Personal History and Progress Threads My progress with AP in South Africa

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    14th July 2011
    I am finally feeling that there have been real improvements — after 20 months of treatment. See last post.

    October 2009
    I have been suffering from pain in my hips for about 7 years. It was diagnosed osteoarthritis but regardless of careful diet and exercise became worse, appearing into my thighs, knees, ankles and shins from time to time.

    This was accompanied by chronic fatigue and I was sleeping up ten or eleven hours a night and struggling to wake, groggy and tired. This was put down to depression and I was prescribed antidepressants.

    I was referred by a friend to a doctor in Johannesburg who is considered alternative but said to be successful with chronic fatigue. She did extensive blood tests including for Rickettsia, Mycoplasma and chlamydia. I had strains of all three including chlamydia pneumoniae as well as helicobacter pylori and raised RA factor.

    Blood test results 27/10/09
    Rickettsia Mooseri Endemic Typhus +++
    Chlamydia Pnuemoniae active and chronic both positive
    chlamydia trachomatis IgG positive
    Helicobacter pylori >8 very high
    Transferrin 2.3 normal 2.5 – 3.8 ie slightly anemic
    Bilirubin Unconjugated 19 normal 0-18 ie gallbadder slow
    RF 22.1 0-15 normal

    This doctor explained that she believes my symptoms are caused by infection and can be treated with antibiotics, especially tetracylines. She treats numerous different symptoms this way, not only RA.

    I have been on the AP for 4 months now. I take high doses of different antibiotics, mostly tetracyclines each month for one week followed by three weeks on plasmoquine. Also Arthrotec when needed. No sugar ever, and no dairy when on antibiotics.

    Within days of beginning the first treatment my pain reduced, and after about a week my energy levels improved. I now sleep 8 hours a night and wake up refreshed, so I have gained about 3 hours per day. I get tired but not exhausted and can go out in the evenings. I am off the antidepressants.

    I found “The New Arthritis Breakthrough” on Amazon and ordered it. I thought it fascinating and it was good to know my doctor was not the only one using these treatments. She has been attacked by the SA Medical council but managed to defend her protocols and keep her license.

    My sister who has suffered from fatigue for 40 years, and a neurological desease which has robbed her of most of the use of her legs, is seeing the same Dr and following a similar treatment. During her second treatment she could feel her toes for the first time in about 7 years.

    my treatments to date have been as follows:
    Each month with the antibiotics I take probiotics – lacteol forte, as well as nexiam and vit B throughout the month, and plamoquine (nivoquine) for 21 days after 7 day AP.

    Nov 09
    Augmentum 1000mg & Clacce 500mg

    Dec 09
    tetralysal 300mg & flagyl 400mg

    15 Jan 2010
    Dumoxin 100mg & Ciploxx 500mg

    22 Feb 2010
    minimycin 50 & rulide 150

    19 Mar 2010
    Dr G
    tetralysal 300mg & flagyl 400mg
    Blood test 19/3/10 RF 19.9

    16 April 2010
    Back to Dr J who was surprised her husband had prescribed Flagyl again. Didn’t regard my RF drop as very impressive. Thinks I would be very unwise to ski later this year!
    This month:
    Moxifloxacin 400mg once daily
    Doxycyl 2 x 50mg twice per day

    Vi B
    Plasmoquine for following 3 weeks

    After 5 days on this protocol developed stomach pains after eating, a bit of nausea and generally feeling unwell.
    Had a bad three weeks with pain and fatigue. Brought on by stress?

    14 May 2010
    From 2nd week of May feeling much better. By 20th almost no pain and energy levels much higher. Feeling the best I have felt since brief hiatus on holiday in December.

    21 June 2010
    Started this month’s AP: Tetralysal 300mg 2 x per day
    Augmentin 1000mg 2x per day
    First two days a bit of nausea, headache and sluggishness
    Third day today feeling better.

    Still feeling pretty well generally, low pain levels and reasonable energy.
    Now keeping a graph on Excel detailing symptoms and pain pill intake. Wish I had done this from the beginning!

    23 July 2010
    Augmentum 1000mg 2 x & Clacce 500mg 2 x

    Still doing well, planning trip to Argentina 8 – 22nd August to ski and dance with optimism. The ski training is not causing any flares, or any pain at all really. Pain levels low, but very sore mouth at present.

    Two weeks in Argentina skiing and tango not a good idea. I exhausted myself after the first day skiing then had to give up after second morning. Realised if I continued it a) would not be fun and b) I would be too tired for Buenos Aires. I began to rally, then came down with my husband’s cold followed by sinusitis, which put a damper on the tango. Despite all this the pain wasn’t bad though flared a little towards the end, and the penicillin worked well on the sinusitis. Fatigue and just feeling ill was my enemy.

    5 September 2010
    Tavanic 500mg 2x & Doxycyl 500mg 2 x
    Been back 2 weeks and still very tired and rather depressed. Pain levels up a bit. I can see that future holidays should be strictly for rest purposes.

    October 10 2010
    My blood tests showed a good result with RA factor normal and gall bladder function normal.
    But I reacted badly to that’s month’s protocol feeling nauseous & tired.
    cyclimycin 50mg a.m. 100mg p.m.
    Rulide 150mg 2x per day
    plasmoquin stopped RA Factor normal
    gall bladder function normal

    The pain seemed quite bad so I reintroduced the plasmoquin and since then it has improved to lower levels but still there everyday, especially when I climb into bed.

    November 10 1st anniversary
    Tetralysal 300mg twice a day for 7 days
    Flagyl 200mg 3 x per day for 7 days
    I will continue with the plasmoquine.

    Took Flagyl in my stride this month — few side effects but headaches increased by 5th day.
    The biggest change I notice a year in is that my energy levels are much better. I get nothing like as tired as I used to. Generally am able to go out in the evening if I want to, and only sleep 7 to 8 hours instead of 10 or 11! Wake up refreshed. I would no longer describe myself as suffering from chronic fatigue though I do get tired from time to time, esp on AP.

    Also the pain is never really severe. It just has a nagging quality rather than really debilitating. And I can manage short hikes with very little ill effects. A year ago I avoided walking as much as possible, and 2 hours sitting in a car or a walk up steep steps made me feel crippled. So lets see how I am this time next year!

    December 18 2010
    Avilon 400mg evening
    doxycyl 100mg am & pm

    nexiam, Vit B, lacteol & plasmoquine

    Feeling churning, fatigue and some quite severe pain on this protocol. Don’t know if it’s the meds or the stress of Christmas, though I don’t have much to do.

    January 20th 2011
    Clindahexal 150g 4 x per day
    nexiam, Vit B, lacteol & plasmoquine

    For the three weeks after my December treatment my pain levels dropped, but I was feeling quite tired and anxious. Leon went in for various procedures on January 6th which seemed to stress me a lot, + big fight between him and Milly. Then on 14th I developed a severe lower side back ache which I thought was my kidneys. Dr Wedgewood prescribed Ciplox started Friday pm, pain worsened Saturday began to subside Sunday then itchy spots broke out on my back — same area, which turned out to be shingles. Started treatment with antiviral yesterday (19th) Famvir I think about 70 hours from break out. Pain is not inordinate. Am taking it very easy in hopes it won’t spread or get worse.

    Meanwhile started Clindahexal today — might as well take the lot while I am down! Hope this isn’t setting the tone for the year.

    March 4th 2011
    Oxytetracycline 500mg 4x per day
    candacide oral suspension — 10 drops 4x per day
    nexiam, Vit B, lacteol & plasmoquine

    Pain has kicked in big time on this protocol — herxing? Plus very tired.
    Have been keeping graph since June 2010 but can’t see any clear patterns. Mouth pain much improved since using Kenelog which I apply at bedtime if I feel any sore beginning.

    April 17th 2011
    Tavanic 250 mg 2x & Doxycyl 100mg 2 x
    nexiam, Vit B, lacteol & plasmoquine

    During March the anxiety and churning and feeling of lack of focus in eyes continued to increase. Decided I must get back to Dr D psychiatrist and get back on cipralix. Saw her and began 1st of April. Still felt very bad for first week to ten days, took .5mg ativan when desperate. By two weeks began to feel better, then started antibiotics and felt steadily worse. Achey, fatigued, anxious, generally unwell and tired.

    July 14th
    Surprised it is so long since I updated.
    Took about six weeks for the cipralex to kick in, then the churning and anxiety ceased. I won’t go off these antedepressants again.
    My two week trip to Russia was great but struggled with pain, particularly in hip flexors, which set in about three days before I left and got bad during the first 4 days of the trip, then abated somewhat. Also struggled with fatigue. Decided if traveling in future should do so in beautiful South Africa, so as not to undertake long flights, or go on a cruise.
    As soon as I got home the pain abated hugely.

    From June 8th — 24th back on antibiotics
    Tavanic 250 mg 2x & Doxycyl 100mg 2 x
    nexiam, Vit B, lacteol & plasmoquine
    During the AP my pain levels increased somewhat but since then have been very low — a 1 or 2, sometimes no pain killers needed. Have decided to lengthen gap between treatments to 8 weeks.
    I am wondering if I have finally turned the corner. Looking back at my graph my pain levels have been generally lower since the end of last year. My problems were more with anxiety — which is now fine.
    I am generally in good shape. Little pain, good energy, good spirits.
    I am however taking life very easy. Gradually getting used to a slower pace. overcoming feelings of guilt about not working non-stop.

    28th October 2012
    I felt much better after June last year and decided to go off the antibiotics. However my left hip in particular was giving trouble. In December 2011 I had the hip replaced very successfully. Took a couple of months to regain strength but after that felt very well.
    Now in October after a series of emotional difficulties, losing my brother-in-law and anxiety over Milly who appears anorexic and depressed, struggling again to wake in the mornings. have decided to go back on a week of Augmentim and Tetralysal. Dr J did warn me that at times of stress I might relapse.

    But generally I have to say 18 months on the SP protocol cured the worst of my fatigue and pain. Until this recent glyph I have been feeling very well and almost pain free since about March this year.

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