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    Hello Everybody!

    I found the article linked below on the net and thought you would find it interesting.  Specifically a question that we all seem to have about whether or not Minocycline halts joint damage (if I am reading it correctly). 


    Specifically check out the part where “the drug appears to offer a unique arthritis protection: It seems to block enzymes, called metalloproteinases, that destroy irreplaceable cartilage inside joints.” 

    I also went to see Dr. T this week for the first time.  Oh Hurray…finally on a real dose of AP.  And asked him the question if Minocycline could halt joint damage and he confirmed that it is one of the reasons why he prescribes it.

    Now take this with a grain of salt and ask your own doctor and do your own research.

    As for me, I am encouraged as I have had damage and want to avoid more if I can.

    — whaleharbor



    Minocycline 100mg every other day with food...lots of food: Zydus brand. Celecoxib 200mg twice per day: Greenstone brand.


    Great,  that infomation is very encouraging.  I have an aquaintance who has had RA for years, and has only been on Methotrexate for all those years, her hands are a mess, completely drifting to one side so that she cannot turn a key, she will have to have joint replacement, if she ever wants to have use of them.      Rose


    Thanks.  I emailed all the news stations a link to the article.  Hopefully, some will investigate the information.  If other email them, there will be a greater chance of notice!




    I think this is an old, old article because it reference Enbrel in testing….

    — whaleharbor

    Minocycline 100mg every other day with food...lots of food: Zydus brand. Celecoxib 200mg twice per day: Greenstone brand.


    The free media is wasted in America.

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