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    At the chat at the rheumaticsupport.net website last Thursday, Dr. S in TN mentioned that some of his patients stay on minocycline forever because they are afraid to get off of it and that he was ok with that because it was cardioprotective.

    I've been doing a little investigating into what he said and found this interesting article…



    — whaleharbor


    Minocycline 100mg every other day with food...lots of food: Zydus brand. Celecoxib 200mg twice per day: Greenstone brand.


    Whaleharbor, thanks for sharing this article. I spent a bit of time searching on this, as well, looking for the Harvard studies Dr S mentioned in relation to minocycline, chlamydia pneumoniae and arterial plaques. There was one on a medical site that I couldn't access, but if you happen to find anything in your searches, would love to read it, too. Thanks!!!

    Peace, Maz  


    There have been many supportive studies published in the past 10 years, which you can find at Pubmed (many full text avail at http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/ )

    You can read the full text of a UK cohort here:

    There's been even more work done to define the anti-inflammatory and neuro-protective effects of mino. The Amer. Heart Assoc. is considering recommending minocycline as an early intervention in stroke.

    Also, don't overlook the favorable effects minocycline appears to have on osteopenia.  It's been observed to prevent decrease in bone mineral density by reducing bone resorption and stimulating bone formation.


    Does all of this perhaps send up a huge red flag and reason brand name minocin has become outrageously expensive in the US?



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