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    judy cash

    Hello Everyone,

    I need some advice,,,,or HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I have been very concerned with my weight since I began AP. I could tell that I had gained weight, but after my Friday visit with my GP, I realized that I have put on almost 20 pounds since about July or August last year. I have always gained  around 5or 6  pounds a year as I have gotten older, but this is scary, and not very apealing. I have wondered if it has something to do with my health and the AP, because thats when it started. The GP, was rather rude about it when I told him of my concern, he said, “ARE YOU NOT WATCHING YOUR DIET”.

    Ever since I can remember I have always craved and had  to eat sweets, after meals, for snacks, etc.  After I started AP and Proboitics , I noticed that I don't crave sweets anymore, I mean NOT AT ALL, so I don't eat them anymore, I used to bake cakes and pies, always served dessert, not anymore. This should help me to loose weight……RIGHT!! So why am I gaining so much weight? I believe there has to be a connection, but I'm just not seeing it. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

    I really started thinking about this after I read, Todd WI's post “How intestional bacteria may cause weight gain

    What about metabolic syndrome?




    Hi Judy,

    Same thing happened to me after I became so ill with RA when I was at my ideal weight. At first I lost about 10lbs as I couldn't eat (jaw pain) and didn't have an appetite, anyway. Then, after the antibiotic therapy kicked in, I gained that 10lbs back plus 20 more within the first year! :blush: Part of it is sheer inactivity, as I was unable to exercise and probably also that I don't eat enough. I'm trying to be more conscientious about that and eat smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day…my metabolism shuts down when I skip a meal. But, I also think my thyroid has played a big role in this, because it was at the same time that I got so sick that my thyroid nodules were found.

    Have you had your thyroid function tested lately? Any kind of weight gain or weight loss that you can't account for should be investigated and thyroid can do a number on us, either way (hyper or hypo). Did your doc consider this possibility for you?

    Peace, Maz

    judy cash


    Yes he did, I meant to say that in my post. He is testing for thyroid and kidney, I'm not sure what else, but as soon as I get the results , I will post the results. I guess I just scare easily, since RA diag.  Iwas  always as healthy as an ox before I was diag. with RA. Thanks for your quick reply. Have a wonderful day.





    I used to be 120 lbs but, was also running 40+ miles/week, and did yoga 3-4 times/week, before I got sick.  I lost 20 lbs when I was at my sickest, and as soon as I started iv clindy, I slapped the 20 lbs back on, and 15 more since then.  My thyroid turned on me around the same time, and I believe that is what made me put on the weight.  I'm still active, and exercise 5 days a week but, I'm nowhere near the activity level I was at before.  I have a hard time squeezing in 3 meals a day, because of all the restrictions around meds and supplements so, I'm sure my metabolism has slowed down considerably because of this.  I NEVER had problems with weight or my thyroid before I got SD and Lyme, and it seems to be a very common problem–at least with Lyme. 


    Patti D

    Hi Judy,
    Don't get me going on this one. I have the same problem. First it was the prednisone then the inactivity that went with the joint pain.I am not on prednisone and am feeling really good with very little joint pain.
    Then I was active in the summer but developed thyroid nodules and then wacky blood tests connecting the dots that point to hypothyroid. I have been on the thyroid meds, a compounded thyroid for 1 month and am coming out of my”slug state” but not seeing any decrease in my appetite or increase in my wanting to exercise.
    I bought a wii fit board and hurt my ankle big time the first day. Haven't been back on the board yet. Got a wii dance dvd and like that but really need to figure this out. If I had advice I would take it myself HA !
    When you figure it out please tell me. I am looking forward to spring so I can do more outside. Hope you get some anwsers. Hang in there.Were all in this together .
    Sending some well wishes your way!



    I have been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, this was caused by being on prednisone for so many years. You can get your own glucose meter from your local pharmacy and check your blood sugar. I've been advised to take mine in the morning before I eat and in the evening 2 hrs after supper. It should not be over 100 in the morning, and about 80-110 after meals. Another test that is now available OTC is called the A1C test, it will tell you what your average glucose has been for the last 3 months, they run about $25-30 and it contains 2 tests.

    I was gaining about 10 lbs every 3 months, my blood pressure was up and also my cholesterol. I also had type 2 diabetes. You can buy blood pressure cuffs as well, or just use the ones in the pharmacies. I have not heard that AP causes metabolic syndrome, and I don't see prednisone on your list of meds. I'm sure there are other things that cause met. syndrome.

    Since I started taking meds for the diabetes, I stopped gaining weight; I also began tapering the prednisone in Sept 09 and have lost 20 lbs since then. I was on 15 mg and I'm down to 6 mg, my blood pressure and glucose had returned to normal with no meds when I got down to 7 mg, however, when I dropped down to 6 mg all heck has broken loose. Unpredictable, sudden episodes of hypoglycemia, increased disease activity in the PA, FM, and IBS. I don't have a blood pressure cuff, but I believe I've also had some episodes of low blood pressure so I have also dc'd the blood pressure med.

    Idk what kind of doctor you're seeing, but I would encourage you to see an endocrinologist sooner than later, I waited and waited for my rheumy to take my weight gain srsly, but it wasn't until I had gained 80 lbs before I decided to fire him, find a new rheumy and an endocrinologist. I wish I had acted sooner, I'd have alot less weight to lose and I probably wouldn't have developed the metabolic syndrome to the degree that I did. Hope this helps.


    Chiming in with the suggestions to check thyroid, and sex hormones (by saliva!), and a gluten intolerance test.

    Good books(s) to read are by Diana Schwarzbein. She will tell you what many of us don't want to hear—-that women especially don't eat enough, or have a long history of diets, or don't eat enough fat, or we eat way too many refined carbs and sugar.

    Many of us have damaged our metabolisms, and it's necessary to get healthy to lose weight (NOT lose weight to get healthy). The patient stories in her book are good. I'd start with her first book, The Schwarzbein Principle.

    Although the publisher has written “weight loss” book all over the cover, once you begin to read it, you'll realize that Schwarzbein herself is talking about getting well. Some people might actually need to gain weight in order to be healthy. Some may put more weight on in the short term before their bodies work again.

    If you Google her website, you can view a short video interview with her.

    I got a lot out of her books. She says that calorie restriction and over exercising will only damage your metabolism. It may have “worked” when we were younger, but it's terrible for our bodies. In the long run, it will only make us fatter and more unwell.

    Good luck!



    I've been struggling with these issues as well.  My blood tests have always been normal, until last month, when my glucose was elevated for the first time.  Started researching adrenal fatigue and ran across a book called The Potbelly Syndrome. 

    This book talks about the relationship between stress and cortisol, and how it affects weight, blood pressure and cholesterol.  So far, have only skimmed the book, but the author's premise is that infection is at the root cause of metabolic disorders.  It's initiated by long term excess of cortisol, which is produced in response to chronic infections. 

    My llmd had me take a saliva cortisol test for adrenal fatigue.  I'm thinking my adrenal glands are on hyper-drive.  Started taking an adrenal support supplement, and I think it has helped.  Something interesting in the book is that Diflucan can inhibit the production of cortisol. 

    This web of disease just keeps getting more complicated.  We could spend every day researching (I think Maz does) and only find more questions….:angry:


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