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    I've heard alot about the marshall protocol, can someone help me on that.  i would be interested to know if it could be more helpful than ap only program.  also, went to urologist yesterday with bladder problem.  After spending about 7 minutes with me, decided bladder problems attributed to sd.  hopefully when get back on antibiotics will help with this.  would love feedback. thanks so much.

    Cheryl F


    While there are some participants on this board that are familar with the Marshall Protocol, I think the best way to get the details would be to go to the MP site at:


    In the past we have heard comment that the MP site was difficult to navigate, but they have recently added a site for newcomers that should better meet the needs of individuals who want to learn about MP. 

    Good Luck in your search for the treatment plan that is right for you.


    John McDonald
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