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    I am getting tested for IgG and IgA Western Blot for Lymes.  Does anyone
    know if I need to stop my medications before I do the test?  I just
    received the testing kit in the mail and am eager to have the testing
    done.  I have been off my Minocycline for 3 days.  I was taking 100mg/once
    a day.

    Thank you!


    [user=212]Time_of_my_Life[/user] wrote:

    I am getting tested for IgG and IgA Western Blot for Lymes.  Does anyone
    know if I need to stop my medications before I do the test?  I just
    received the testing kit in the mail and am eager to have the testing
    done.  I have been off my Minocycline for 3 days.  I was taking 100mg/once
    a day.

    Hi Lori,

    Do you mean the IGeneX Western Blot IgM and IgG? If so, these are test numbers 188 and 189 on the lab requisition form.

    As far as I know, it's not necessary to come off antibiotics to have this particular test run (only for some of the other testing, like PCR). I was on heavy Lyme treatments when I had this particular test done and still came out positive. To confirm for your peace of mind, you can put in a quick call to IGeneX labs. 😉

    All the best for your testing and results, Lori!

    Peace, Maz




    Whoops!  Yes I meant IgG and IgM Western Blot.  I was looking at the
    wrong test description on the lab papers.  Thanks for clarifying that!




    I had the same test done a year ago, and I didn't get off my antibiotics prior to–that's just for the PCR.  I also came up positive, even on the abx. 


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