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  • #300533
    Joe M

    Joe, another great find…thanks for sharing. I've forwarded the link to my CTLyme group, as it's so hot off the press. 😀  You're wonderful to remain so current with all this.

    Peace, Maz

    PS. Love the family photo with your 3 girls!

    Joe M

    Thanks Maz

    PS – 4 girls if you count the dog!

    Patti D

    Thanks joe

    Great article. I went to print it for my training class and it wouldn't let me print. I am so technology challenged:?:?:?

    Hey, do count the dog. They are family:blush:

    Happy days!

    Patti D


    I'm going to be spending a few weeks at my parents farm in Mo this summer. They always have a ton of ticks, every night I have to do the tick check on myself and my chihuahua. How long can you have a tick on you before you get infected with the bacteria they carry? My memory is bad, but it seems like I read somewhere that you have a time frame to find the tick and get rid of it before you are infected.


    Joe M

    Linda, this is what Maz had to say on that subject:


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