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    I am struggling with sd symptoms.It just keep flaring and progressing.I am on biaxin zith and mino and many other supps and everything I begin taking seems to work well to start but become immediately ineffective.I have a very low wbc count which is concerning me. From everything I've read low wbc can be due to the autoimmunity ,sluggish spleen,the lyme infection or the ebstein barr that I tested positive for or of course the mino but I don't think that's it because I started out with them low.I am gluten free and taking natural anti candida supps.I am working on cleaning out gut.Has anyone used rhizinate for the gut? It works well.
    I am trying to cover all bases but nothing seems to stop the sd from flaring.
    i would appreciate hearing from others with sd .Does anyone else have sd with lyme and a very low blood counts also?I also tested pos for hpylori which i am treating with biaxin.I feel like a bacteria magnet.Does the bacteria cause the autoimmunity or does the autoimmunity cause us to become susceptible to these infections ? I jjust wonder which really comes first!
    Any speculations would be great to hear from others !
    Sorry about the long post!


    Your white count can go down from a.  infection, b.  anemia, c. autoimmune disease.  Your Doctor should be checking this out for you.  Best wishs, keep us posted.



    My hubby has sd crest and his wbc count has been all over the place. He is anemic from time to time. Many sd patients have anemia so I would make sure the dr checks that.

    What are your flares like?

    My husband has gotten better about listening to his body and he can feel a flare come on at the earliest stage. For him bed rest and abx help to combat a flare. We have found that stress, getting off his diet and not enough sleep can cause a flare to come on, but sometime the flares come out of the blue.

    We have said sd feels like your trying to fix a leaky pipe with your hands. You think you have one leak stopped and another one springs up. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming to deal with, but we keep charging ahead.

    Just keep trying until you find something that works for you!


    Hi JO
    Yes rheumy doesn't think anything of it,llmd panicked and wanted me off mino-but no way i was doing that!,another llmd didn;t seemed concerned but I'm wondering if it could be a piece to the puzzle why antibiotics work well for me but only for short time,I keep having to increase which makes me feel like my immune system isn't going to kick in with all these abx.Kinesiologist told me I have a very sluggish lymph system.So if that's the case what is causing?


    yes a leaky pipe is exactly what i feel like!My flares consist of crushing eye pain,headaches{although sometimes that's a herx},very bad back pain and the worst is the burning /tight skin.That is when I want to go curl up in bed.I just am not sure if abx help to get the wbc count up or if something else is needed.When the pain is bad i have no choice but to lay down .My sauna helps with pain in back but I'm not sure if it makes my skin flare.A detox bath does help muscle aches a great deal!


    I don't know if you've lived in New York all your life – but it might be interesting to check Arsenic levels and New York, then again for every place you've ever lived in for any period of time.   The pre 2001 standard of 50 ppm caused chronic Arsenic poisoning … and some water systems, such as the one I'm moving to, have not, after 8 years completed their change over to systems that reduce Arsenic to the newer 2001 level of 10ppm.

    If anyone lives in a high Arsenic water area (Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Massachusetts, New Jersey, etc… and have their own POE systems – PM me please with details.


    Arsenic is the twentieth most abundant element in the earth?s crust and frequently occurs in rock formations of the Southwestern United States (including Arizona). If aquifers are in contact with rocks and minerals containing arsenic, then water pumped from these sources may contain detectable amounts of arsenic.
    Arsenic poisoning may be acute or chronic. -. Chronic poisoning occurs when moderate or small amounts of arsenic are ingested over long periods. Chronic poisoning could potentially occur where groundwater containing inorganic arsenic in excess of the MCL is consumed daily for extended periods. Low levels of exposure may cause the following symptoms: :sick:gastrointestinal irritation, decreased production of red and white blood cells, abnormal heart rhythm, blood vessel damage, and ?pins and needles? sensation in hands and feet.:sick: Long term exposure may lead to changes in fingernails and toenails, darkening and/or thickening of the skin and the appearance of small corns or warts on the palms, soles and torso. Arsenic is a known carcinogen and long term ingestion may increase the risk of skin cancer and tumors of the bladder, liver, kidney, and lungs. Direct skin contact may cause redness and swelling at high concentrations.

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