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    thanks to you all for your input, hope this goes through, been trying since am, must be my area. bit blurry and giddy , so will post more later…regards ,,di.


    hi all, thank you for your input, and informative sites.the loss of weight has happened on the change to gluten/dairy free, i am still over weight by a stone, was more concerned about the weakness and loss of muscle tone. have started on some complex carbs now so see how i go, i can sort of feel my body was hungry for them as i eat , if that makes sense? i have wondered about the cfs/fibro dxd ? because at the time i had a nervous breakdown and on alot! of meds? ..thanks again.. regards ..di.


    The main problem for me was realising what was being leached from the body so I could replace it. Most drugs have a chelative effect and remove vitamins also they are finding that some foods do. very strange. The GSE does as well. Anything that is getting rid of bacteria I’m even wary of cholesterol drugs they also could be doing it. there has to be some reason you need to replace everything so often. depending of course on amount treatment and diet. There is so much not know about this chelative effect. When you think also that the bacteria we are fighting all have to live off something.
    Even my DHEA had gone. The only info I had to this effect was included in the B12 injection. and being told by the group that the tetracyclines are chelative. otherwise I would not have known. Once I was able to take the three capsules of GSE for fungal protection, I noticed it lowered my D again. Have a friend who had to stop drinking Coffee as Dr. told her it was ridding her of B vitamins. Never heard of this before. It certainly made a difference when replacing all regularly for me. And yes it will take what it need from the bones causing osteoporosis. Using sea salt and colloidal minerals has certainly work wonders in that direction. That causing an itch down my spine so was thrilled about that. I guess with the problems we have we have to try and solve best way we can. Sorry you cannot take some of them Diane, however the good side is most get off the Meth when the abx is working down the track so then you can do the lot. Expensive business though. The Basmarti rice is gluten free. I manage to remove it with any rice by not using a rice cooker, making sure all the starch is removed as much as possible. I really like it also. Your getting your carbs.


    Something you should keep in mind if you are wasting muscle and losing strength is myositis. My husband started off as undifferentiated mixed connective tissue disease. He didn’t really develop myositis until a year or so into his disease process. Wasting was a true concern and he couldn’t afford to do low carbohydrate. He did go gluten free but we made sure that he had plenty of rice, potatoes, etc.

    If you contine to feel weak, then you should talk to your doctor and see about having your CPK levels tested. My husband’s myositis turned out to be a blessing as it qualified him for IVIg which with a full blown Lyme and Babesia helped to return his health to him.


    hi all. thank you for the info., have had live blood analysis, and have pathology every 2mths, i find they usually contadict each other? i am seeing a haemotologost on the 29th april, as my eosinaphil count is the only abnormal part of the bloods at the moment, the gp has prescribed (intesta clear) as a parasite can cause elevated eosin. and allergy? started that today so see what happens. its a challenge to keep up isnt it? but the alternative is worse , and at least theres some hope with the a.p… keep well ..regards ..di.

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