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    Dh just got a call from his rheumy and she said his liver enzymes were elevated.

    He's been off all meds for 9 mo. now (Plaquenil was the only RA med he took since his diagnosis), not on AP yet.

    She's wanting him to come in for hep tests.

    This liver test is actually one the “former AP doc” ordered for him (including the mycoplasma panel etc.) so I'm wondering if elevated liver enzymes are often “normal” for those with RA????

    Tons of confusion abounding here…LOL/CRY.


    A Friend


    Hello to you.  Just read your post, but have not yet read all the others under it.  Just wanted to encourage you to do a search on this board (little search window at the top of this screen) for lemon/olive oil drink. 

    The ingredients in the drink are foods/liquids that are already good for us, but the history of its use and the research shared in the Keep Hope Alive article link supports it is very helpful in detoxing the liver and helping in important areas, and even mentions helping to return the pH balance in some very ill patients. 

    You might educate yourself about it, and then determine if its something to add regularly for a while.  Also, coffee enemas can do an immediate uncanny job of relieving an over-taxed liver.  “Been there and tried this” in a middle-of-the-night horrendous pain syndrome emergency.  It was the only thing that relieved it that night.

    Good luck to you,

    [Edit/addition:  Just did the search and found this link in another post.  Hope it works.  If not, I'll edit again and paste another link in this message. af]



    We have good luck so far with milk thistle and lemon/olive oil drink.



    I did a search under “liver” yesterday and found the drink – thank you for the link and further information. We will read up on it further for sure, as it sounds very helpful and simple to do! 🙂

    What I read here about liver when I did the search seems to deal with liver enzymes elevated due to meds, which he is not on, so it would seem that he's dealing with quite a high toxic overload (of the mycoplasma?) and that adding abx right now woud overtax it?

    I'm off to do a more thorough search on liver function in general.

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