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    Hello Everyone!:roll-laugh:

    I know you will think I am mad keeping on updating you every 5 mins but there is more change!

    I promise to do the personal thread Maz!:)

    My son has got an appetite! It may not sound like much but considering he has been near anorexic for the last three years it is a small miracle!

    He has put on 5lbs!!

    He has colour in his face instead of looking like death warmed up!

    He is happy! He went to college for his first day! He hasn't been to school for three years so that's a big acheivement! When he got home he wasn't completely dead on his feet!!!

    I know these seem small things but in my house they are minor miracles !!:)

    And Yep I have gone crazy, just crazy with hope !!!





    This is such wonderful news!!  Keep it up!

    Take care,


    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


     Thanks Trudi,

    I promise to pm you soon….:)


    judy cash


    Thats great news!:roll-laugh:  Please don't ever feel like you are posting too much or that  what you are feeling doesn't matter to us…..I know for myself I am so happy when others feel improvment… Tell him that we are all  here cheering him on……



    Cheryl F


    You are in good company of the moms who hyper analyze all elements of their child's condition. I am so happy that now you have the positive things to hyper analyze. All of these little things will add up and each one is important.

    I am now a bit over four years into this and I no longer fret on a daily basis about Jess' health, I now have complete confidence that even if we do hit a bump in the road, we will figure out what she needs and she will be fine. She is starting her final year of college, something that just over four years ago we thought was a dream that would never be fulfilled. Today she received her first (hopefully of many to come) invitation for an interview for Med school (funny note: probably one of the most AP UNFRIENDLY med schools in the US).

    Your son can and will get better, enjoy the small gains they will add up to big gains and his eventual full health.



    Hi judy,

    thanks for your encouraging post! I will give him your messsage and I know it will bring a smile to his face… We have been through so much over the last three years so to feel like something positive is happening is just priceless…:)



    Hi Cheryl,

    It was so good to hear about Jess' success story. To have got through college and then wanting to go to Medical School is not short of a miracle! I know you must feel so very proud of her. Tell her we need a good AP Doc over here!   I think we only have one in the whole of the U.K now….

     Of course this would never have happened without a Mum like you and everything that you have done to make this all so possible. 🙂

    I guess I sort of know what you both went through day and night. 

    Your right the small things count and I think it is because the small things that they can't do are the things that break your heart.. Going to college for a day felt like I was sending him of to school for the very first day… A day full of worry and what if's!! It's crazy he's 18 now!

    Cheryl,  I send all my very best to you, Jess and your family. She is going to make one fine Doctor.:D







    I am so happy for you!  I am so happy for your son!! 

    I was smiling as I reading your post about him going out the door to school…my son would probably check the bushes around him to see if I was following…:roll-laugh:

    He probably felt so normal to be at school …..normal feels good when you haven't had it for awhile.  Answers to prayer feel good too!



    Hi Kash.,

    I am so happy today! It is such a small thing for a teenager to have a day at college but to my son it is a mountain to climb..,, The biggest thing to me is that it has given him hope for a pain free future and that in turn has made him try his hardest to attempt college which is just great!

    Hugs back 🙂

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