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    Ok –

    I just itched my foot and took my socks off and noticed I have a bunch of (what look like) little bites on the tops of my feet. I've been outside a lot this summer, but not really at night and don't recall being bitten by mosquitos. They usually don't bite me – they like my husband better.

    They are only on my feet – maybe 3 or 4 on each, but they itch. Weird. What else could it be? I was down at the beach with my sister/niece for her b-day party, but only put my feet in the water for a bit (that was Monday).

    With all of my health stuff lately, I freak out over every little thing. Hopefully this isn't some “new” symptom!


    I had something like this after getting my feet wet. It hurt and itched like crazy. It finally went away when I treated it like a yeast infection (so I suspect that's exactly what it was!).


    Thanks, Kat —

    I'm sure it's nothing but you just never know! My husband and I have been cutting out sugars and gluten and corn lately and drinking Dr Oz's green drink daily so maybe I'm detoxing?

    I also noticed this weird red sore on the corners of my mouth. That was another new one. It almost feels like a paper cut in the corner of my mouth and the skin flakes off – gross. I treated it with zinc oxide and it seems to be going away. I only have it (minimally) in the left corner now.

    Is this like a fungal thing or am I low on minerals or something?


    That also sounds like it could be  yeast….. are you on any type of treatment for yeast? I really didnt think I had a bad yeast problem but after a week of diflucan I was able to see just how badly the yeast was affecting me. I feel so much better since I took the diflucan and now I take just one tablet whenever I feel it start to creep up on me.


    Nope – never had any treatments for yeast. I've never had a “yeast infection” in my life but now understand it can affect the whole body, not just, er, down there. LOL!

    I plan on seeing an immunologist/allergy doc near me in Nov (earliest I could get in). He's supposed to be really good, so 'm hoping he can help me get a handle on all this — thyroid, joint pain, yeast, mineral deficiencies, etc.


    After having been through what we've all been through around here I think it's pretty normal to freak out over “every little thing.”  I totally understand.  I didn't used to worry so much but now I do.

    I have a friend who went through a major health scare and had to have brain surgery…she's fine….but she's now dealing with anxiety over “odd symptoms” etc…

    I think it's like a Post Traumatic Stress thing.

    So while I can give you any feedback on the foot thing at least you know you are not alone on the “scared about every symptom thing.”

    Good luck.

    — whaleharbor

    Minocycline 100mg every other day with food...lots of food: Zydus brand. Celecoxib 200mg twice per day: Greenstone brand.


    Exactly. For me, the first sign I have of a yeast infection is tender gums and teeth. Of course, its taken me forever to figure that out!

    Good luck with your new doc, I hope he gets it all figured out for you. 🙂

    PS….. what I did for my itchy “bitten up” feet was to soak them in water with baking soda. This was after all of the oils and junk my GP doc gave me didnt work (and actually made it worse). That got rid of most of the itch and rash until I started the diflucan that got rid of the last of it.


    at least you know you are not alone on the “scared about every symptom thing.”

    Absolutely agree!


    Thanks, Whaleharbor! I do get anxious over all of this health stuff. I really don't obsess about anything else (I've always been pretty laid back) and let most things roll off my back, but when it comes to my health, which greatly affects my everyday life and my future — I am definitely a bit obsessive. It's just so scary. I've never felt so out of control. It's good to know others truly understand. So, thanks for that! 🙂

    Kat – Thanks for your advice on the fungal/yeast issue. I will certainly look into that and cannot WAIT to see that new doc. Is there anything natural that I can do in the meantime, other than the baking soda?

    Lynne G.SD

    Hi Orchid;
          Did you consider that you might have met up with a couple of sand fleas or no-see-ems  ? This paper cut type of sore at the corned of the mouth is usually yeast.Do you have cracked skin on your heels?That is yeast also.I had a major problem with it but it never affected”down there”.It was the itchy scalp that really got me.


    For your feet, not that I know of. But a good probiotic, oil of oregano, garlic and yogurt are all natural treatments for yeast. But for me, while some of those things help, they did not kill it all off. And the only thing that helped my feet was the baking soda soaks.


    I was also going to say sand fleas, or maybe ants, for the feet.


    Since you live in Chicago, it probably isn't this, but if you were out in the country at all, my first thought was: seed ticks. :sick:they are truly minute, & unless you use a magnifier you wouldnt be able to see them.
    The other thing we have around here is the dreaded chigger. 😯 They really are invisible but they make an itchy spot that lasts for weeks on some people. They love to get under socks. I've often wondered if they carry any diseases….
    You probably don't have these critters in the city, but in case others have a similar experience, I thought I'd bring it up.


    I thought I had been bitten by some type of flea or bug too, that's why I went to the doc…….. but in my case there was absolutely no bugs of any kind. So, while she may have gotten bitten by something, it also might just be a yeast or other type of reaction.


    I know what you mean about worrying over every new symptom. Last weekend we brought the youngest to her senior year at college. It was her first apartment and we worked hard for a day and a half — hauling boxes out of storage, unpacking, installing a window air conditioner, buying and hanging curtains, building Ikea furntiture, etc. I was so cocky, I didn't even think to bring any pain medication, much less a prescription like celebrex.

    My back and body was so sore on Sunday and Monday — (hard to turn over again) I was really worried that my RA was coming back — but it eased on Tuesday and was really gone yesterday. It was just overwork and muscle soreness, but I was scared. Not every wellness issue is from our RA — but it's hard to believe that when something isn't normal.


    Bonnie Lou
    RA 02/07,AP 10/07
    Minocycline 200mg MWF; Plaquenil 100mg 3 days/week
    Fish Oil, Ubiquinol, Turmeric, Vit C (2 grams) , MultiVit, Magnesium, Astaxanthin, D3 (5000), probiotics and a daily dose of yoga!

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