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    I have had multiple fatty lipomas since I was a young teenager. I had one removed in my early twenties. The doctors I have shown them to don't seem too concerned and never gave a diagnosis. Now in my readings I found a Dr. H (endocrinologist in San Diego)who has a wealth of information about these fatty tissues. Some things I thought were valuable from the site- She prescribes Mino or Doxy both pulsed and daily to treat these fat deposits. She says that toxins are stored in fat tissue, and the tetras help dissolve the lipomas. Mine are now quite a bit smaller now than they were a year ago. She also recommends noni juice and grapeseed extract to help dissolve these. Furthermore she recommends a no sugar, no red meat, no milk diet. But says grains are ok. I am now wondering about the connections between fat and Inflammatory arthritis and the possibility of my body(since I literally have a hundred of these lipomas- (hard and soft- Dercums?) giving a special place that has allowed toxins to build up and also the perfect food source/hiding place for spirochetes or cysts. It would be interesting to have one of these removed and examined for lyme or any other types of bacteria. Here is the site if anyone is interested-  http://www.lipomadoc.org   sometimes links i send don't work, so please be patient and search on your own or feel free to fix it for me if you would/can, thanks  all the best, jim


    Hi Jim,

    As if you didn't have enough to deal with, eh?  Curious, do you think the sauna has helped shrink the lipomas?

    Take care…..kim


    Hi Jims,

    I have a fatty lipoma on the back of my thigh and was considering recently the possibility of asking to have it removed as it is rather unsightly. I've had it for fifteen or so years now, but my health has always been so bad until recently that it had never seemed high enough up my priority list to do anything about. It's definitely a sign of how much has my arthritis has improved that I'm even thinking about this!

    Also, I think one of the reasons I haven't had it removed so far is that I wonder whether it was my body's way of walling off an infection. And I worry that by breaking into it surgically, it might allow the infection out.

    But maybe since I'm currently on abx, this would be a good time to risk it?


    Hey Kim, note sure about the sauna, sometimes it is hard to tell which one is doing it, eh? Ruth, if you do get it removed, wouldn't it be cool to have it biopsied for the lyme spirochete or cyst? I am finding more and more folks with lyme that have these lypomas. I just found a guy on the internet who has lyme, said he developed over 150 lipomas to date. And they were present long before he exhibited any lyme symptoms, sounds like a recurring theme. I think grapeseed extract and Noni juice are in my future. P.S. My cousin just told me he had one removed from his chest two weeks ago, and the surgeon said it was very hard and covered with scar tissue. (His body was walling it off, maybe because of something inside of it?) He is another one with years of mysterious symptoms, including migratory inflammatory arthritis. I think he is now convinced to start getting the tests…..jim


    Hmm, I had a couple of fatty tumors (harmless) two years before RA came in with full force in 2008.  I had also develeped rather painfull knees back in early 2007 which went away on its own after a month or so.  I am wondering now if it had anything to do with lyme disease.

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