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    Here is a link to the final SD magazine on Jessica F. I hope everyone gets a chance to read it. At least they do say “alternative therapy” and Boston, MA so let's hope if anyone needs extra info they can find it.


    Please hurry before they take it down, I don't know how long they leave up articles but hopefully long enough to help lots of people.

    As Cheryl mentioned earlier, the final was not the one approved by Jessica. The one she approved did indeed mention the treatment as AP.

    Thanks Cheryl and Jess for your true inspiration.


    Thanks for posting this article for those who haven't seen it.

    Honestly, could they be more misleading, “an alternative treatment with a doctor in Boston”.  That statement makes it sound like there is only one doctor, when in fact there are doctors all over the world using AP successfully!  Seems like a pretty important factoid they chose to leave out.  They also chose to call it “alternative” rather than give credit to the Antibiotic Protocol……………come on, folks! :headbang:

    Take care…..kim


     They dont even mention a thing about what the “alternative treatment” is! SHAME on scleroderma.org!! How does that organization help anyone!!!! :headbang::headbang::headbang:

    #$%* … sorry…needed a vent  moment!


    Great article; Jessica is beautiful.  I also agree with everyone–AP definitely should have been mentioned–hopefully readers who ask about the “alternate treatment” will be given the correct information.


    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


    So happy to see such a nice long article about Jess but completely baffled at thei “Scleroderma Voice's” inability to recognize AP and put even a couple of sentences about it in their article.  So frustrating.


    The article left you hanging as to the mystery cure for Jessica. That's a shame, but maybe it will cause people to write and question further.

    Beautiful story and a beautiful young woman! So glad she is well.

    Rosey UK

    Oh, I'm glad you've cleared that up, because my first reaction was OMG what's the alternative treatment we need.LOL


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