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    Thanks for the information on levaquin. I read up the old board, https://www.roadback.org/cgi-bin/eboard30/search.cgi?board=Main (type Levaquin), it seems like levaquin is a pretty strong stuff for short term relief. Professor Garth Nicolson also mentioned this levaquin for microplasma treatment.

    Do you have any follow up information on some one who has taken it and got better? I am wondering how this Kay Pounds is doing after being treated by levaquin and off all the antibiotics.




    I have never tried Levaquin, but I'm pretty sure Key Pounds had some success with it. You could try to email or PM her for more information. I think she received DMSO intravenously to diminish the herx reaction. It's an abx that can have more serious side effects than others. Joint pain, esp. in the knees and the Achilles tendon can occur and in some cases people have reported permanent damage. These reports are from people who have been given the med for some other type of infection. They may have had some unknown, dormant mycoplasma infection and the abx caused a herx, or it could be something unrelated, we just don't know. If it is a herx, it may be that for some people this med causes too strong of a herx reaction. I would try mino, doxy or zithromax before levaquin. They might not work as quickly, but they are safe. There are some good sites on the web for information on drugs and their side effects that are not sponsored by the manufacturer of that drug. Goodsearch or google 'levaquin- consumer information' and you should find some good sites.



    Hi JB,

    I've come across the use of Levaquin for Lyme Disease, but haven't tried it myself. It's a pretty powerful antibiotic and has been associated with severe side-effects in some cases (tendon rupture and c difficile, for example). It's usually reserved for short term use of resistant infections.

    Aside from Keypounds having tried it, I haven't come across anyone else on this board mentioning it recently. If memory serves, Keypounds' doctor heard about its use in Lyme Disease at a conference and was willing to try it….and. as far as I remember, I think she had two brief rounds with it.  Haven't seen Key on the BB for ages, so perhaps she's recovered and doing well?

    Peace, Maz

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