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    I was hoping someone might have some thoughts about whether or not it is possible that some of my ongoing health issues could be related to a post-surgical staph infection that I had nearly 14 years ago.  The surgery was removal of my colon due to ulcerative colitis.  IV antibiotics were administered for the infection during my hospital stay and I was sent home with IV antibiotics.  Since then, I've been diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis (symptoms started about four years after surgery) and have had an increasingly tough time in recent years with a facial neuralgia.

    Recently I had an appointment with an integrative physician and also underwent testing by a staff naturopath.  The naturopath, using VEGA biofeedback (still not sure what to make of this, but keeping an open mind), detected staph aureus.  I consulted with this physician to help me determine any lyme involvement (due to my geographical history and out of the ordinary symptoms such as the facial neuralgia, chemical sensitivities, and some neurological disturbances).  I'm still awaiting further information regarding lyme involvement.  The naturopath also suggested that the facial neuralgia is due jaw cavatations.  I'm still researching some of this jaw cavatation stuff since I haven't had any major dental work done short of my wisdom teeth being extracted nearly 15 years ago.

    My question is, might it be possible that the staph bacteria is causing all of these problems all these years later?  Any insight is appreciated.  Thanks.   


    I have the same question and suspicion as you. I had a hospital acquired staph infection from a spinal fusion operation in 1999. I was treated via a pic line twice daily for 40 days with an antibiotic. I had no physical problems until Dec of last year, when within in 2 weeks I could barely get in and out of the the car with hip pain. Within a month it had moved to both shoulders, with a lot of spinal cord involvement. Prednisone was the only thing that could give me some relief. It appears to be Psoriatic Arthritis with mild scalp involvement and nail deterioration. I did not have active Psoriasis or any genetic predisposition for it. Also I have had microscopic blood in my urine for 2 years that no cause could be found. Cirpro and levaquin did not eliminate and we stopped looking for it.  My Primary Care Physician agreed to prescribe Minocycline 100mg twice daily and my pain level improved and I am playing golf again. Interestingly the blood is now gone from my urine. I will be looking forward to comments from Maz, Richie and other volunteers


    Psoriatic Arthritis: 100mg Minoz Minocycline TABLET daily; twice daily 400mg Pentoxifylline;125mcg Levotyroxine: Have been using some level of Minocycline since 2008


    Vinny, how long have you been on your current mino protocol?  I'm on 50mg every other day after an initial 14 day period at 100mg daily (50mg x 2).  I started mino at the end of April of this year.  The thought that septicemia is possibly causing all the problems all these years later is very disconcerting.  I only received 21 days of IV antibiotic for my infection.  I now wonder if I should have been dosed longer or have received oral antibiotics after the IV dose.  I'm now seriously contemplating whether I should see Dr. S here in GA as opposed to merely receiving a script of mino from my rheumatologist.

    Also, might I inquire about the spinal fusion you had performed?  Was it the result of something like AS or was it done for other reasons?

    A Friend

    [user=290]louris[/user] wrote:

    I was hoping someone might have some thoughts about whether or not it is possible that some of my ongoing health issues could be related to a post-surgical staph infection that I had nearly 14 years ago.  The surgery was removal of my colon due to ulcerative colitis.  IV antibiotics were administered for the infection during my hospital stay and I was sent home with IV antibiotics.  Since then, I've been diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis (symptoms started about four years after surgery) and have had an increasingly tough time in recent years with a facial neuralgia.

    Recently I had an appointment with an integrative physician and also underwent testing by a staff naturopath.  The naturopath, using VEGA biofeedback (still not sure what to make of this, but keeping an open mind), detected staph aureus.  I consulted with this physician to help me determine any lyme involvement (due to my geographical history and out of the ordinary symptoms such as the facial neuralgia, chemical sensitivities, and some neurological disturbances).  I'm still awaiting further information regarding lyme involvement.  The naturopath also suggested that the facial neuralgia is due jaw cavatations.  I'm still researching some of this jaw cavatation stuff since I haven't had any major dental work done short of my wisdom teeth being extracted nearly 15 years ago.

    My question is, might it be possible that the staph bacteria is causing all of these problems all these years later?  Any insight is appreciated.  Thanks.   


    Those viewing this post may faint…. it is probably the shortest reply I've ever written.  My opinion and answer to your question about “might it be possible that the staph bacteria is causing all of these problems all these years later?” is: 

    Yes — or at the least, it could have begun a cascade of problems that disabled many of your usual lines of defense.  It's seemed to me that the younger we are when these things begin (if we've been healthy prior to this), the longer we can last before “caving in.” 

    I'm sending you a private message about new info from a very knowledgeable friend that may be very helpful.  I'll share it with the larger group after I have a session with this friend on her own experience (she'd been sick for years) and now is doing so well. 

    Well, guess I blew it!  Was just going to have the first two short paragraphs!!!

    AF :angry:

    A Friend


    Just saw this previous post I placed on the BB.  Thought it might have something in it of interest for you, since you've mentioned having had colon surgery.  My previous AP physician (now retired) sent this to his friends list.  I found this report very, very interesting.  Also, it is encouraging that our AP's (antibiotic protocols) may be doing much more for us than we might even think — or can help with areas we might not know about. 


    Best to you,





    I was on Methotrexate for three months as well as Prednisone and various nsaid's with no real relief except from Prednisone and would have to add Embrel to the mix to get off Prednisone. I started Minocycline on June 3rd of this year and stopped the Methotrexate the same day. I weaned myself off Prednisone and was clear of it on July 4 and all my pain parameters improved until 2 weeks ago when I decided to try the pulse 100mg once daily M,W,F schedule. I had two new area of pain and inflammation start on Sunday and went back to 100mg twice daily dose this week. I have not experienced any negative side effects from the 200mg per day dose or any herx effect. I don't believe we have any classic staph bacteria that additional iv treatment would eradicate. I think that the radical antibiotic treatment we had years ago altered our total systemic bacteria mix and we ended up with some kind of mutated Mycoplasma, that our immune system eventually could not deal with. The spinal fusion operation was to repair a childhood disc injury that was pressing on my sciatic nerve. However, my case for Psoriatic Arthritis is very weak and the inflammation appears to work of my spinal column similar to AS. My PCP in Chattanooga is an Internist and is only slightly familiar with the protocol is basically writting the presciption as a favor to me based on what we have read. Who is Dr s in Ga.



    Psoriatic Arthritis: 100mg Minoz Minocycline TABLET daily; twice daily 400mg Pentoxifylline;125mcg Levotyroxine: Have been using some level of Minocycline since 2008


    [user=523]vinny[/user] wrote:

    Who is Dr s in Ga.

    Hi Vinny,

    Dr JS is a very good AP doc in GA and also has offices in Chattanooga, TN…the same town in which you are seeing your current doc. I will PM you contact info for Dr S. He had RA and used AP to bring himself into remission….isn't afraid of using combo antibiotic therapy.

    To retrieve your PM, just go to top of this page, above right and click on “1 new message.”

    Peace, Maz

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