Home Forums General Discussion Is it possible to eat gluten free dairy free and meat free?

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    Hi All!

         I have been struggling these last few weeks with the news that I am allergic to milk and Casseine protein, eggs and gluten and I have an aversion (not allergy) to meat, the only kind of meat that I can eat without an awful stomach ache is chicken breast and 100% ground turkey breast. 

         I have been pretty angry about these food allergies as bread and pasta are my favorite things to eat. 

         With so many food allergies and aversions I am feeling really overwhelmed.  All advice and information would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,



    Hi! How did you find out about your allergies to milk and gluten? Did you have any symtoms?




    Milk and eggs have always caused me to have diarrhea and stomach cramps, but so does meat.  I was told a long time ago that I have irritable bowel syndrome, but it looks like it may have been from allergies. 

    I found out about gluten because my alternative medicine doctor asked me to get tested for gluten allergy by a stool sample.  She said that it's the only way to get an accurate result.  I was tested through a blood sample once that was negative, but I was told that blood is not an accurate test for gluten allergy.

    The milk, eggs, and casseine protein (a protein found in dairy) I have been tested for through a blood sample several times and I always come up positive for a severe allergy to them.  I have spent the last week in mourning and angry about not being able to eat my favorite foods, like Panera's mac and cheese. 


    Lynne G.SD

    Don't panic Jen,there is hope.I have the exact same problem as you.I had absolutely no idea I had Celiac .I was having bowel problems but no pain or bloating so I just put it down to having SD.To make a long story short,the Celiac caused leaky gut and the food sensitivities.I had to drop all cow products, nightshades,all legumes,citrus,anything made with sugar cane,all grains except rice and corn and several others items.It took at least 18 months to recover from the damage the gluten had caused and then I was able to reintroduce these foods in small quantities.I still can't have legumes and the other day I had great meal of roast beef,mashed potatoesand gravy.The next day I flared badly.I can eat small amounts with no problem though.There are 3 cheeses I could eat because of the way they are cultured,Jarlsberg,Havarti and Swiss.Goat or sheep cheese is also o.k.
    I basically lived on salads,porc,fish and chicken.
        If you go to http://www.celiac.com you will find lots of great recepes.There is a lot of info here on Leaky Gut, just use the “search” at the top of the page



    It IS possible. I'm vegetarian (12+ years) and recently gluten-free. I think I also have some sort of a dairy issue so I avoid it as much as possible, but not entirely.

    Try eliminating them one at a time – if you can. Going gluten-free has been more difficult for me than going veggie (which was a breeze) and obviously if you're doing all three at once – it's going to seem overwhelming.

    I suggest making a list of foods you love (like pasta) and finding ways you can still HAVE them, like finding rice pasta, etc. Tinkyada pasta is the best! I also love drinking almond milk. You can cook ahead (g-free/dairy free mac n cheese) and take it with you to work or wherever and pop it in the microwave. There are some good g-free breads (Udi's) out there, you just have to do some research and look locally to see what's available. There's a site called vegiac.com that has a lot of good tips, recipes, etc.

    Obviously, eating out is a little harder but you just have to be on the lookout and maybe print their menu or call ahead of time. I've been finding more and more restaurants offer g-free pasta, great salads, g-free soups, etc. Mexican food is always great, just watch out for the cheese. I always carry g-free pretzels and almonds with me for snacks when I'm out.

    Get a juicer if you can — I juice up a green drink every other day and it's so yummy. Gives me an instant boost of energy.

    It can be overwhelming and I also mourned (like you) but in time, it's like second nature and you start realizing that FEELING good is far more exciting than any bite of bread! I'm a big believer in healing through food. It's one thing we have control over so I find a lot of power in that.

    Good luck and contact me anytime for support!

    Todd WI

    Hi Jennifer,

    I think I know how you feel.  Years ago I tried Pagano's diet.  I almost cried when I looked at the list of things I could and couldn't eat.  Everything I normally ate (and drank) was on the couldn't eat list.  Pagano's diet started with a 3 day apple fast.  After eating nothing but apples for 3 days, the could eat list looked much more appealing, and the items on it actually tasted pretty good too. I went 6 months on the diet without any problems, would have gone longer if it actually had helped me… 

    I think it's possible. Eating out might be a challenge though. 



    I went yeast free, sugar free,  and gluten free for a few months and I lost 25 lbs.. I didn't need to lose 25 lbs so my family was worried (I'm 6'2″ and I weighed 185 and went down to 160)..

    After a few months the weight loss leveled out but I still didn't look healthy to friends and family (I felt fine, however).. I gave that about 6 months and it was hard as hell.. Those three things are in almost everything (everything good, that is)..

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that if I can give up sugar, then I believe anyone can give up anything!

    I have since gone back to my normal diet as I didn't feel much different when torturing myself, I mean when following dr's orders. 😀


    Hi Jennifer.

    I'm gluten free, egg free, dairy free (cow), and sugar free, and I can't even say I feel better, but it's the right thing to do to strengthen my immune system.  I've found I tolerate goat and sheep cheese, which I love, just fine which helps with the cheese fix.

    I smack myself when I realize how far I've come in my recovery, but have whined more about the diet than anything else. :doh:

    You can do it!

    Take care…..kim


    Like Kim, I am also gluten free, dairy free, yeast free and sugar free. I can eat goat cheese in moderation. I also eat a bit of meat (chicken or turkey) or fish. The diet was very hard to do at first and I was very depressed about having to give all of my favourite foods up. But now I've adapted and it is second nature. I have become a lot more creative in cooking and found substitutes that are pretty tasty. I feel better for it and my taste buds have changed so I don't crave those other foods as much any more. It is hard to do but you can do it. I firmly believe if I can give up sugar, anyone can! Good luck!


    Thank you everyone for your words of support! 


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