Home Forums General Discussion Is "Fibromyalgia" part of many of our diagnoses?

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    Hello everyone,

    I have such a reaction when I see drs. saying their patients have ‘fibromyalgia.’ I have no scientific evidence to prove what I am about to say — actually many of you put the science of this prior to my post. I just can’t seem to be diplomatic about this one. 😉

    Initially, I had many concocted diagnoses of which were: MCTD, UCTD, sero. neg. RA, PSA, OA, inflammatory osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, unknown neuro. disorder, depression, there’s nothing wrong with you, get some more sleep, blah blah blah and on and on….this went on for yrs. until I knew for sure that it was Lyme, babesiosis and mycoplasma.

    The ‘fibromyalgia’ label is simply symptoms which are placed into a basket, so to speak. Basically, the drs. really don’t know what the cause is or are unwilling to look further into it. It is not a clear-cut diagnosis. It’s a pseudo-diagnosis. There is some underlying contributing infection(s).

    Many hugs to all of you.

    A Friend

    Eileen…. I hear you! Loud and clear.

    The following contains especially one link that has been one that hopefully solves several ongoing problems for me.

    One big problem several years ago was when I had begun having episodes that felt like a heart attack or an angina attack might feel. My PCP has me see a cardiologist to check out what was going on. I discussed this in a post back then. Angina was ruled out, but Dr. L (the cardiologist… who also with his father… were part of the early researchers of CoQ10). He suggested among the other testing we were doing, that I have a CoQ10 test (available from a specialty lab). His nurse called me and told me my CoQ10 level was about half of what it was expected to be, and Dr. L wanted me to increase my CoQ10 supplement. The periodic chest pain went away. But, I was left wondering why this had happened, as my diet and supplements and lifestyle were good.

    After the above time, I began having chapped/peeling lips most of the time, and had to keep moisturizers on them all of the time. I (the queen of search) kept searching for causes, because there was no exposure, etc. involved in this. Then finally a year or two later, I’ve just found an answer (I think) to both the angina-like pain in my chest… and… the peeling lips. They seem to be involved with each other. In fact, I found the ATP/CoQ10 answers involved Riboflavin, which I found by doing a search, after I had read that Riboflavin deficiency could be the cause of peeling lips.

    Hope you will persevere and read the whole paper under this link. I’ve found that knowledge is power… power to put the pieces together and sooner or later find answers.

    The following are links and information copied/pasted here from my files:

    Riboflavin, or vitamin B-2, is a member of the B complex family. Riboflavin is a water-soluble, vibrantly yellow vitamin, which accounts for the fluorescent yellow-green urine of people who take vitamin B complex supplements. Riboflavin is not stored in significant amounts in your tissues, so you need to acquire this nutrient from your diet on a regular basis. However, according to Dr. Elson Haas, author of “Staying Healthy with Nutrition,” some riboflavin is synthesized by the bacteria in your intestine, so serious deficiencies are uncommon.
    [More can be read under the above link]

    Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/427637-treatment-for-a-riboflavin-deficiency/#ixzz2L2oRHFqL
    On this site is a long list of important word links.

    The link below is the amazing link found when a search for B-2 Riboflavin was done. At that same time, I just happened to have just read a comment about B-2 Riboflavin deficiency being the cause of

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