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    Donna RA

    A while back, I posted to find out if anyone here had heard of, or experience with IPT.  I did not get alot of feedback, so I thought I would share my experience to date with this therapy. After reading about IPT, it sounded similar to another protocol, in that it uses a drug to make another drug more potent.  In my case, using Insulin to make doxy act like a super drug.  The Doctor says that I'll need between 6-8 treatments, and I should be symptom free.  I've never been promised a cure, but have to let you know that after 4 treatments, one week apart, I feel better than I have felt in the last 2 years.  Not that I am totally pain free, but most days are much better than a month ago before I started IPT.  I plan to stay on Minocin MWF for the time being, and see where this takes me.  If you would like to read more about IPT, try this link. 



    Still digesting this and don't have the time right now to research it.  I'm glad you're getting a good result.  Thank you for sharing and keep posting your results.


    Hi Donna,

    So glad you posted your IPT experience to date. Would love to know how you fare as treatment progresses.

    I remember you mentioning this treatment on the old board and it reminded me of a Canadian breakthrough in Type 1 Diabetes (an “autoimmune” disease). Doctors in Canada who were researching this disease found that when they injected the pancreases of mice with capsaicin (sp?), a component of hot chile peppers, they were able to halt the disease literally overnight. They felt that this treatment could have important ramifications for other “AI” diseases  – RA, MS, Crohns, etc., the implication being that they felt there was some connection between pancreatic function and “autoimmunity”.  As per Darcia's comments regarding IPT, it was like injected capsaicin was somehow able to reset the immune system in diabetic mice.

    Interesting that Garcia is using AP as outlined by Doc Brown in conjunction with this treatment. Any idea on what his thoughts are about how IPT potentiates abx? TM explains his theories and the science behind benicar as a potentiating drug for abx. Does Garcia have any science-based research to share about this, too, do you think?  Would really enjoy hearing his theories how he feels this works.

    Thanks, again!

    Peace, Maz



    Donna RA


    IPT is used for a variety of diseases, and other drugs are used than doxy, depending on what is being treated.  I didn't want to post a huge page about the science, as I would most likely end up saying something incorrect, so here is another link that explains some of the science about IPT.  I don't believe that any trials have taken place, and some of the information is dated, but still relevant, I feel.



    Thanks for sending the link, Donna – very interesting information. According to this piece, it seems that anyone taking any type of drug could expect to use much less of it, as IPT increases cell permeability and therefore the ability of the body to utilize medicines. Would be interesting to know what someone like Trevor Marshall would make of IPT as a potentiating drug. Have you thought of asking at the MP site?

    I'm looking forward to hearing how you do on this treatment and do hope you'll keep us updated.

    Peace, Maz



    Do you get herxes with this treatment?  I guess one of my concerns would be a huge herx.


    Hey Maz –

    Where'd you get the 'resetting the immune system' on the Capsaisin experiment?  I didn't get that at all and I searched for every article printed about the scientists and their take on it.  What they did say was Type 1 and Type to were a LOT more similar than originally thought which makes sense from the AP side as capsaisin is an antimicrobial.

    I'd have to look, but I even had the original full study published in Cell and if I remember, there was NOTHING in there about some connection between pancreatic function and “autoimmunity”.  There happens to be a HUGE connection, IMHO, but they didn't say that.  The connection, in my opinion, is the HPA axis and the fact myco's exponentiate cell miscommunication.

    Please post anything you have on what you just said.

    Thanks, Donna, for posting this.  My hubby is undiagnosed LADA and is thinking of starting AP/MP and I'm forwarding him your post. 



    Donna RA


    Hi.  I did get a bit of a herx after the first treatment.  Nothing in comparison to what I had experienced prior to IPT.  It lasted about 1/2 day, and while unpleasant, I was at work and went about my daily life.  No herx after treatments 2,3 and 4.

    Hope this helps.




    [user=23]Pip[/user] wrote:

    Hey Maz –

    Where'd you get the 'resetting the immune system' on the Capsaisin experiment?  I didn't get that at all and I searched for every article printed about the scientists and their take on it.  What they did say was Type 1 and Type to were a LOT more similar than originally thought which makes sense from the AP side as capsaisin is an antimicrobial.


    Hi Pip,

    I'm still on my backup pc, as my laptop needs fixing. So, I don't have access to all my bookmarks. However, I did a search of news articles with the subject, “Canadian Diabetes Breakthrough” and came up with this news story:

    From the National Post:


    Quotes from the article that relate to your question: “Where'd you get the 'resetting the immune system' on the Capsaisin experiment?”

    The article says:

    “Suspecting a link between the nerves and diabetes, he and Dr. Salter used an old experimental trick — injecting capsaicin, the active ingredient in hot chili peppers, to kill the pancreatic sensory nerves in mice that had an equivalent of Type 1 diabetes. “Then we had the biggest shock of our lives,” Dr. Dosch said. Almost immediately, the islets began producing insulin normally “It was a shock ? really out of left field, because nothing in the literature was saying anything about this.”

    This is the bit that struck me as being a “resetting” of the immune system in Type 1 diabetes…not their wording, but my inference. 😉

    “They also conclude that there are far more similarities than previously thought between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, and that nerves likely play a role in other chronic inflammatory conditions, such as asthma and Crohn's disease”.

    “Dr. Dosch had concluded in a 1999 paper that there were surprising similarities between diabetes and multiple sclerosis, a central nervous system disease”.

    Another article I recently came across discussed a strong link between MS and RA. My brother has MS and I have RA…both Th1 diseases.


    This is one of the main reasons why people (like me) who have close relatives with MS can't take the biologics. There seems to be a nervous system component with Th1 diseases that may be more pronounced in some with RA, increasing the potential for biologics triggering MS-like side-efects.

    As far as my understanding takes me with this Diabetes research, it is that the nervous system plays a significant, interconnected role in our diseases…often triggered by shock, an accident, prolonged stress, etc.

    It's very likely you're on to something that capsaicin acts as an antimicrobial. Considering that the pancreas is a part of the digestive system, producing digestive enzymes and an integral part of the endochrinal cascade (insulin), it doesn't surprise me at all if capsaicin is somehow shocking or resetting the immune system (70% of which is said to be in the digestive tract). Why wouldn't the pancreas be a repository for mycoplasma (every other organ in the body can be infliltrated by them)? When ingested, capsaicin also increases gastric juices substantially, which may be why supplementing with HCL helps many, increasing the body's ability to kill pathogens in the digestive tract (and pancreas?).

    I don't know, Pip, I have a lot of questions rolling around in my head about this…one reason why IPT may indeed reverse symptoms in RA and other diseases. Would just like to know more about its possible actions in relation to infectious theory (maybe TM could answer these questions) and your questions only bring more to mind.

    For instance, could mycoplasma in the pancreas somehow be diverting or restricting normal insulin action in the body…a part of the immunopathology of the disease? If so, could supplementing with IV insulin (IPT) actually be feeding mycos causing a kind of 'contrived' remission? It does seem to me that when mycos are happy and well fed, disease progression slows (BHRT another 'possible' example of this)…but when under threat and they are dying off, we do experience worsening of symptoms. Hmmmm… What are your thoughts on this?

    The specific news article on the diabetes breakthrough I had bookmarked on my laptop included “Rheumatoid Arthritis” in the list of “AI” diseases that could potentially be helped with this treatment in the future, though no details were given as to how. Sorry I don't have that to hand, but it's basically the same as the article above…just another newspaper article. My sister sent it to me originally, so she may still have it bookmarked – I'll ask her. 😉

    Peace, Maz

    Donna RA

    Wanted to give anyone reading this thread an update on the IPT.  The Dr changed the potentiating drug to Flagyl on the fifth treatment, as some of my stiffness was returning. So treatment #5 was doxy, then treatment #6 was Flagyl.  I do have some herx'ing going on after the Flagyl, a headache and wrist pain, but again, nothing that kept me from going to work.  I've not been taking any major pain meds, just a few aleve's here and there.  I feel pretty sure that I'll be getting 2 more treatments with IPT, and see where it goes from there.  For the time being, I do plan on taking Minocin S,W,F at 100mg.

    The Dr also supplements the IV treatment with Glutathione, which I expect is helping me to detox. 

    After 23 months, I believe I am finally on the Road Back.


    Great news about being on the road back again!

    Maz – need more time to look at this.  I just saw the new 'alert's' from the researchers so will post that too.   Thanks for responding as this whole think has me excited.




    Hi Donna, 

    If people are still reading this forum, could you please send me an email (aubuchon.david@gmail.com)?  I am really really considering IPT for lyme and coinfections and have so many questions for someone that has tried it!

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