Home Forums General Discussion Infrared Sauna Users

  • This topic has 14 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Maz.
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    Hi everyone,

    Just set up my sauna yesterday.   I have used it twice.  I can't seem to break into a sweat.  Does anyone have this problem or know of a solution?

    I was at 115 degrees the first time last night for 30 min and 125 degrees the second time this am (45 minutes).    I feel awful ever since doing the sauna this morning.  Wondering if I stirred up toxins in my system that can't get out because I am not sweating.

    I wonder if it is a good idea to do this if one can't release the toxins by sweating that the infrared sauna stirs up.



    I drink a lot of water before and after.

    I did not sweat much and later it worked out well… when my body was icy cold, it would take longer.

    Don't have to sweat during the first few times, I just let it warm up my body and I went slowly. Now it takes me about 40 minutes to have good sweat.




    Most of us, when we first start using the saunas, are shocked at how long it takes us to break a sweat.  It really is a process that you have to work through, but just know it can make you herx as it releases drugs that are stored in your fat cells.  Be sure and stay well hydrated before, during, and after.  You can increase time and temp as tolerated and before long you should be an efficient sweater. 🙂  Once you start sweating, towel off while in there to avoid re-absorption and then shower immediately. 

    Take care…..kim

    Cheryl F

    I have always been able to sweat a lot in the sauna, but from the beginning I have usually experienced a herx like reaction, even when I was not on AP. I get a slight sluggish headache and my neck gets really fatigued with muscle pain. My AP physician recommends sauna use as a method to kill bugs, his primary purpose in recommending sauna use. The detox benefits are secondary (in his opinion). So, if you are killing off bugs, a herx of some type is possibly to be expected. As other have said, stay hydrated! Also, you may be over doing it a bit with the time. Take it slow, kill the bugs, not the patient.

    Good luck!


    Eva Holloway


    it took me over two month to sweat, I was drinking  plenty of water, took  the supplements and increased the time to 25 minutes this month. I will increase the time in May to  sweat 30 minutes. Take it slow, you will eventually will sweat. Everyone told me to take it easy. On the beginning I hoped to sweat, but I figured it will come and I enjoy the heat. Another thing is even if you don't sweat, take a cool shower after you come out of your sauna to rinse of any sweat that may have come out of your body.


    Eva Holloway


    A woman I know used the FIR sauna for about 45 minutes at a time and made it through doing 10 sessions before developing myositis. So I questioned my LLMD about it's use as she prescribed this for me, too. This doc just told me yesterday to start with 2-3 minute at 100 degrees. She said I definitely would flare even with that short amount of time due to die-off. Her advice was definitely not to break out in a sweat yet. Start very slowly. She said that my friend had begun killing microbes way too fast. Baby steps~!!!!



    I started using my far infrared sauna recently, everyday for about five days.  Started at about 20 minutes and worked up until I was sweating.  Then I got a brain herx.  It was scary!  Didn't know if it was from the sauna, but after process of elimination, figured it was.

    I was muscle tested through EAV and the result was, it was the sauna, and I should only be using it every three days.  I guess there's something to, “too much of a good thing”…



    Thank you everybody!   This is very helpful advice. I am glad to hear that the sweat will eventually come.    It is a nice confirmation to keep on going at a more slow manner.


    Susan LymeRA


    I too had trouble sweating in the sauna and finally after one session, felt bad for days.  Also looked like I had a sunburn.  My hairdresser is the one who suggested I get my blood pressure checked due to my red face.  It was 150/100!  Yikes!

    I haven't gotten back in my sauna yet and that was several months ago.  My doctor says not sweating is a sign of a stressed liver and she put me on Leucovarin (sp?) which is a prescription strength support of the liver.  I also do herbal support and eat very healthy.  She wants me to continue the sauna for just short periods of time as it is so good for detox but as of today, I am too scared to try it again.

    She also has me doing coffee enemas which are wonderful.  I have learned to recognize when I feel toxic.  I get sluggish and fuzzy brained.  The coffee enema clears it all up pronto!

    The coffee enema supposedly clears the liver of toxins.  I believe it works for me.




    The good ol' coffee enemas…I've read and heard of others having good experiences using them.  I've done colonics in the past, especially the week after my iv's, and I found them to be extremely beneficial.  Toxin release, and sluggish livers seem to go hand in hand with chronic illness so, I'm a big believer in getting them out, whichever way you can.  I've been going to the dry sauna at my gym (until I get my portable FIR sauna), and there are some days that I can sit in there for 30 minutes without a problem, sweating like crazy, and other days where I can't stand to be in there for more than 10 minutes.  I attribute it to how toxic my body is on certain days.  I'm also going in there after a 45 minute to 1 hour workout.  It makes a HUGE difference in how my body feels.  And, at first, I looked like someone slapped me in the face–I would turn all sorts of shades of red, which is highly unusual for me.

    I always see the same Asian women in there every time I go.  I thought it was a coincidence but, after talking with them, they said that they've used saunas all their life because their culture strongly believes in detoxification.  Interesting….I went to a Chinese herbalist in Chinatown in Chicago about 8 years ago, and he looked at my tongue and eyes, and said “you have sluggish liver.”  Then, went in the back, and brought me back a bag full of powder that he wanted me to use as tea every night.  I gotta tell you, I purged some serious stuff out of my body.  It tasted AWEFUL but, maybe if I would've been doing that regularly, I may not have the issues I have now. 



    Susan has a funny story about her first coffee enema, well maybe funnier to the rest of us than her. 😉  Her instructions were to use 4 ounces of coffee and she mistakenly used 4 cups, :shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:,  if I have my numbers right.  She reported being a little wired! :roll-laugh:

    Take care…..kim

    Susan LymeRA

    Actually I read on the internet to use 8 cups of coffee.  So that is what I did.  It took quite awhile to get it all in and then I was so buzzed, I didn't sleep all night.  At that time, my doctor had not recommended them but I confessed to her what I had done.

    Her eyes got wide as saucers and she said “two tablespoons of coffee and 4 cups of water!”  So that is the correct recipe.  It should be organic coffee, purified water and use only stainless steel appliance to make the coffee.  Lots of people use the french press, but I just boil “purified” water with 2 (not 8) tbsp coffee in a stainless steel pan.  Cool it, strain it and insert 2 cups at a time.

    It sure helps me.


    Your story about the asian ladies convinces me to get my sauna back out again.  I did sweat freely in the beginning and felt so much better afterward.  Also, it is very comfortable when using it.  It was only after a few weeks I stopped sweating even after 40 mins of sauna.  Then I would feel miserable afterward like my head was going to pop.  No doubt too much was mobilized and my liver just couldn't function properly.

    Hey Kim,  I have been meaning to post here that my doctor did a parasite stool test and I was positive for two.  She put me on prescription strength ivermectin and alinia and I immediately had 5 bowel movements with the 3rd being almost completely white with sesame seed (bigger) looking things.  yuck!!   Ivermectin is what we give our horses for worms. 




    [user=86]Susan Lyme/RA[/user] wrote:

    Hey Kim,  I have been meaning to post here that my doctor did a parasite stool test and I was positive for two.  She put me on prescription strength ivermectin and alinia and I immediately had 5 bowel movements with the 3rd being almost completely white with sesame seed (bigger) looking things.  yuck!!   Ivermectin is what we give our horses for worms. 


    Thanks for clarifying the coffee formula. 😕

    Do you know what lab your doc used for the parasite stool test?  I've heard most are worthless, but there are a couple that are good.  Do you think the white “seed” things are tapeworm segments? 😯  I have an order of Humaworm in my freezer that I haven't worked into my schedule yet………ugh………..so nasty. :sick:  Maybe your doc's method would be a quicker way to get-er-done.

    Happy de-worming. :doh:



    Hi Kim,

    I did the colon cleanse followed by the parasite cleanse by blessedherbs.com.

    It worked for me.   The colon cleanse part is a fast using bentonite clay and psyllium powder.  I did the 5 day fast using it (which I think was too long and harsh for my body).  It worked!  On day 3, I was shocked in seeing what came out!   So next time I do it, I will only do it for 3 days.   The parsite cleanse came after, involving taking drops and herbs.  I really don't know if it made a difference or not.  It did use wormword (artemsia) sp? which I know several of you are already using.

    Susan, do you have to be off antibiotics to do a parsite stool test?   I know genova labs is supposed to be one of the best ones for this.  My son recently tested positive for a scarey bacteria from this lab called Klebsiella pneumonia through his stool sample, which is thought to be responsible for AS.   He didn't have parasites, though.



    [user=1619]MMW[/user] wrote:

    My son recently tested positive for a scarey bacteria from this lab called Klebsiella pneumonia through his stool sample, which is thought to be responsible for AS.  


    Hi MMW,

    If you are worried, your son can have the testing done for HLA B27, which is the genetic haplotype associated with AS. Although this bug can cause pneumonia and a few other problems, without this gene, it's unlikely he'd get AS. 😉


    “Research conducted at King's College, London has implicated molecular mimicry between HLA-B27 and two molecules in Klebsiella microbes as the cause of ankylosing spondylitis.”

    Peace, Maz

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