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    Would someone let me know if MINO has to be taken AWAY from PREVACID or LANSOPRAZOLE. That's the first item in the prevpak which is often given for HYPYLORI.

    I read that Mino should be taken away from antacids and I THINK prevacid might be an antacid.

    Also would anyone with HYPLORI contact me personally as I'd like to find out more and see if Im making any progress at all. Thanks for any help.

    ClaudiaMarble Falls


    You should talk with your doctor about when to take you different meds and all prescirptions should come with specific info or the pharmacist could help you.Prevacid is not an antacid and you can google most of those medicines and get better info than I can give you.


    Hi Claudia, Actually, the reason I'm thrashing around with questions is that my doc told me to take the prevpak items which includes the prevacid and amox. and clarithymyacin WITH the minocin.

    That didn't sound right to me & due to low energy at times, I ask the Board, as often I find the DOCS are wrong and sometimes the pharmacy too (though they did say to take them 2-4 hrs. apart). Thanks, but I would unfortunately add that it takes energy as sometimes what the doc tells you is not right and I find myself having to doublecheck.

    ClaudiaMarble Falls


    I realize how fatiguing it is to just live sometimes and worse when we do not always agree with our doctors.Trust your gut feelings,ask questions and do not be put off by anyone.It is your body,your disease and you are the boss.

    That does seem to be a lot of meds,but I would not suggest that you completely disregard his guidance,it is a tough situation to be in especially since AP doctors are not a dime a dozen and our treatments are so expensive.

    You are not being unloyal to look around for someone else.

    Are you taking a GOOD probiotic?Very important.

    Where  do you get your oral antibiotics?Does your insurance pay for them? Mine will help pay for the Brand name,my deductable for them was $700!Less for the generic but I feel that fom studies that I have read that generic is not good enough.Canada has nice drug stores.

    One more thing:Flax seed oil.My brother told me about this about 4 years ago and I started taking it at the same time I took myself off th Embril injections and prednisone.I posted it on the old bullitin board site and I will preach the benifits again and again.Wonderful anti-inflamiotry properties.

    There is a “catch” or two: It tastes yucky and may give you a little gas.Buy one that says high lignen content,Barlene's.Take it home,take off the cap and stir that lignen off the bottom with a chop stick or somethig sturdy and long,shake it up very well before use.Take a tablespoon or two each AM and PM with yogurt or cottege cheese .The flax oil capsules don't work,don't waste your money.

    The fatigue will may not go completely away but once you get on a good AP regeime you will have many better days than bad.

    People on this bullitin board are wonderful and very helpful,take avantage of the seminars and talks given on this web site.

    I'll be thinking of you and hope you are better soon. 


    Thanks so much for your reply. It's good to have new friends to talk with as I've been somewhat absent for a while. On the prevpak insurance question: My insurance would only pay for ONE 14 day supply and my naturpath Lyme specialist wanted another one, which wasn't covered as the brand name item says on the package “good for 14 day supply” or something. Most general docs think 14 days is enough for hpylori & I'd love to know how long some people on the list have been on this. I finally called the pharmacy and asked them to check if my insurance would cover the pak in INDIVIDUAL items, ie, the prevacid, the amox, and the claritymyacin and they did! The only item they wouldn't cover is the prevacid for that long and that's about $40. The total is I self paid for prevpak is $400! So you might try that anyone here who is taking the prevpak items.

    It's interesting to me that the doc is treating HPYLORI first as I thought wait, let's go after the critters, the lyme and the co-infections first, but it's hard to get all the questions in. I'm taking theralac probiotic which the doc who has had lyme herself thinks is the best. You can order online and if you buy 5, the shipping is free. She says to take this with SACC B. I read Dr. B's list of nutrients to take (again someone on this list was kind to send it to me) and he also stresses the importance of taking BOTH plant (like your flax) AND fish oil. Take care, Sandy


    I saw a weird news report this week about a study that linked LOW levels of h. pylori in children to an increased chance of developing asthma (I don't know how). It reminded me of the connection between intestinal problems and other diseases involving inflammation-I wonder if there are any studies being done on children w/ JRA and levels of h.pylori. I'll have look on google later.

    I'm not sure about the prevacid, but the reason antacids shouldn't be taken with antibiotics is because they contain magnesium which binds to the antibiotics decreasing the amt absorbed into our system. I don't think prevacid contains magnesium, isn't it in the class of drugs that prilosec is in? I could be wrong.



    Hi Linda, I think prevacid is an acid blocker and the pharmacist didn't go into detail but did confirm that it should not be taken together with MINO. wait 2-4 hrs.

    I vaguely heard something about hyplori and asthma and of course cancer and other diseases. I think due to the acid reflux in HPYLORI it can directly affect the lungs. Sometimes when the Hpylori is cleared the asthma clears. I think my old RA doc knew something about this RA connection and HYPLORI as well. It is interesting that so much depends on the health of our gut. Sandy


    What was weird about this study was that the opposite was found; low levels of h. pylori (which we all have), corresponded to an increased chance of developing asthma. The implication was that somehow the higher the level of h.pylori, the smaller the risk of asthma. I wonder if h pyl has something to do with inhibiting or destoying the microbes associated with asthma and arthritis, like mycoplasma pneumoniae (I apologize, I think I slaughtered that name).  We do have good bacteria in our intestines, and we all have h.pylori, maybe at certain levels it's actually good for us?

    I know that my asthma symptoms returned a few yrs ago, and after being on zith for 6 months they were completely gone and have not returned; Joe M's daughter also had some interesting results with abx and her asthma (I think, correct me if I'm wrong, Joe, the fibrofog has been bad lately).

    Good information about the prevacid, thanks. I take protonix, another acid blocker, so I'm glad to know about that now that I'm starting back on AP.

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