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    I saw part of an excellent documentary recently called “Crazy Sexy Cancer” about a young woman's search for hope in the face of a dire lung cancer diagnosis. The documentary shows all the places she goes and things she tries in her quest for healing. One place was Hippocrates, in Florida. If I had lots of money and free time, I would definitely go there–it seems to have a lot to offer. The woman in the documentary is in remission. There are websites for both Crazy Sexy Cancer and for Hippocrates Healing Center in case anyone's interested in checking them out.



    I should add that Hippocrates helps people with all kinds of health issues, not just cancer.


    Deepak Chopra also has a healing center, The Chopra Center. I just read an article about him last night and was very impressed. It seems that if one had the resources, it could be very helpful to check out an in-patient, alternative healing center and give some different healing techniques a try.



    Hippocrates is an amazing place!  I went there one year ago this past March when I was just diagnosed with scleroderma (about 8 months into having sclero) and I learned so much about diet (anti-inflammatory diets), lectures on how your body works, nutrition, exercise, spiritual , meditation, and you meet so many amazing people from all over the world with differnt health issues and how they oovercome them. 

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