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    Hi Everyone,

    We are home again after my week of IVs with Dr S. While in Ida Grove I had some stomach issues with the IVs and some body aches the first day. One of my #1 complaints throguhout my illness has been shortness of breath, palps and chest pain, achiness and fatigue as well as dry tight skin on my hands and face. While in Ida Grove I had hardly any shortness of breath (until my last day it came back a little and Dr S said that I am stirring up some bugs in my lungs), hardly any palps and chest pain and hardly any aches. Also along with the dry tight feeling skin I get cracks in my fingertips that don't heal and just re-open I had a terrible one on each thumb when I arrived in Id Grove and on Thurs when we left one was completely gone and the other is almost gone too, my hands are not as dry and cracked either could this be from the Clindy?

    Well this evening I felt like I usually do and even worse. I have the shortness of breath, achiness chillsand just feel horrible. Could I be herxing? Is it normal to feel good during the IVs (minus any GI issues lol) and then when off the IVs to feel this terrible? I'm sorry for all the questions I am just so new to actually taking the abx for this, any tips would be appreciated. It is so scry to have felt decent all week and now feel this terrible. Thank god for my saint of a husband who has made dinner, taken care of the baby and me, I haven't been able to move from my couch for hours now…


    Hi Momma,

    It sounds like a herx to me. I have done two IV cycles in Ida Grove and have always felt well during the treatments (only symptom I felt was fatigue).

    I couldn't get out of bed the last time I herxed…I had a fever, chills, aches and pains everywhere. No fun but at least I know the treatment is working!

    I hope you feel better soon. Just hang in there.



    Thank you! That is very reassuring! When did you start to feel like the IVs helped? (I know it is different for each persomn but I was just wondering…) it is weird too I couldn't get off the couch for most of the evening and now I can I still feel crappy but not as bad it seems to come and go in waves…


    coming and going in waves says it all. That's a herx!

    I am on day 5 of my IVs and I have had some off and on icky feelings too. Last night I woke in the night absolutely drenched (which I used to do a lot but hadnt been doing recently). So I'm thinking these things are little herxes too. 🙂

    Glad to hear you made it home safely!



    that happened to me the first day of my IVS!!! (Waking up drenched from a nap, and I had the chills ewww not fun!!)

    Thanks for reassuring me that I am not losing it! We are glad to be home too, although part ogf me is sad I felt safer being that close to Dr S plus while I was on the IVs for the most part my normal symptoms seemd to be milder and some non existent 9except for the first and last day and my stomach issues throught) How are you feeling on your IVs?


    Hi Momma
    You are describing exactly what I felt like after my first week of IVs.I have dx of sclero and recently tested positive for lyme.The very first IV I got a bad headache and herxing pains in my arms and legs .One week later I was herxing with very intense shortness of breath and fatigue.It softens the skin a lot and relaxes the tightening.The herxing lasted two weeks then I began to feel better.I am getting IVs every two months.It helped the aches ,pains and brain fog also.I also felt a queasy stomach the first week but that subsides too.Hang in there !It sounds like you are herxing and that is good because that means it's working and you should feel better soon.



    Thank you so much fo your reply! It helps to be reassured from those who have been there. I am so thankful for all of you and for Dr S, he is a saint I emailed him this morning becase I was worried by how cruddy i felt and he said the same thing all ofyou did that I am herxing and it will reside eventually. What dr gives you his email address first of all and then emails you back ithin an hour on a Saturday?? He is amazing I am still in shock to be working with him.

    Thank you for sharing your experience with me. I am considering being checked out for Lymei n Feb or March (I am doing one step at a time here due to finaces)



    Hummm I emailed Dr S several days ago and did not get a reply. Now I am wondering if maybe he did not get the email.

    I have one more IV to go, this afternoon. I am mostly feeling better, many of my symptoms disappear with the IVs but I do have some herxing signs too. Last time I really had no herxing so I'm really kind of glad that I am having a bit. This morning I coughed and coughed and coughed some more. Finally took some guafenisen to calm it down.

    Does anyone else notice a difference in their complexion while on the IVs? My skin gets soooo smooth and soft while on the IV clindy. It did last time too but I really don't remember how long it lasted.


    It i funny that you mentioned that about the skin my skin on my hands is normally rough and dry and when I was getting the IVs I noticed that it was very smooth…

    Maybe try emailing him again??? I hope hat your last IV goes smoothly!


    Congratulations to you both for successfully completing your rounds of IVs, and the heroic measures you went to for treatment.  Happy herxing. 😉

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