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    To all you folks who are further down this path than I am…..I've been on Minocin for 5 days – 100 mg 2x/day.  In the last few days I've had increasing pain in my joints (even ones that didn't hurt before) – feels like they're full of ground up glass.  I also have a headache and increased fatigue (as in “I don't want to move off the couch to even go to the bathroom”), and my brain fog is awful!  I am usually a voracious reader; when my disease (fibro and chronic fatigue) was at its worst I couldn't read because I just couldn't focus. That part had improved quite a bit, but I'm now back to brain muddle.

    So, is this herxing?



    John McDonald

    Camm – it sounds just about exactly like a herx. For the brain fog I suggest that you immediately drink an 8 oz tumbler of water. It may not resolve that easily but the Minocycline IS dehydrating at that dosage and a couple tumblers of H2O might help a lot. It did me.

    You might also consider backing off about on the Mino, if doc gives you that lattitude. Dosages among this cohort range from wee small doses spread apart up to 200mg 2x per day. You are on what most of us would consider the maximum dose (and what a few of us, not me, would consider the minimum dose, not me, not me, not me). You might try 100mg daily or even 100mg on alternate days. If you are herxing then it is working and their is no point killing the patient whilst you kill the microbes.


    Rockin Annie

    You lucky thing herxing, if you can call it that, at least you know its starting to work, I am still waiting in anticipation for my first one, I started with you, last Monday, but am only on 50mg x 2 MWF.

    I might put my dose up if nothing happens by the week – end.

    I agree with John I think you need to be well hydrated, I drink at least 2 litres of boiled water to flush any bad toxins out of my system. Hope you are feeling a touch better soon…..please keep us posted…..Annie

    Diagnosed with RA in 2004, after trying many conventional meds I changed to mino.
    2015 changed to doxy 50mgs
    2016 went off doxy, after getting double pneumonia and massive flare put myself on 250 mgs Zith & 50 mgs doxy, which I will increase slowly.
    Supps, magnesium, NAC, vit c, krill oil, oregano oil, thisylin, turmeric, olive leaf extract, vit B, multi vit.


    Thanks for confirming my herx. So much to learn!  Doc added Lyrica to the mix and that seems to be helping with some of the joint stuff.  Thanks for the intel on H2O- I've been sleeping/vegging and thus not taking in nearly enough fluids – no doubt a major contributor to my headache.

    Okay, take a deep breath – here's my current regimen:
    AM: 15 mg Armour Thyroid, Energy Enfusion, Corvalen M, GI Revive, Probiotics, Fibrocare, Vitamin D, Omega 3/6, VitalZymes, Minocin (2 hrs after everything else)

    Mid-day: VitalZymes, Corvalen M, GI Revive, Fibrocare

    PM (dinner-ish): VitalZymes, Corvalen M,  Fibrocare

    an hour before sleep:  Minocin, Lyrica (will add an AM dose next week), Ambien CT, 5-HTP

    I know, I practically need a spreadsheet to keep it all straight myself.

    I am SO excited to think this might be working -as you guys all know, it's a long road getting here (7 years for me, but the worst of it started Aug 07). Thanks for answering. It's nice to know you're fighting the fight with other folks.






    John McDonald

    Camm – Some controversy hereabouts respecting vitamin D. Many here take it. Some of us including me do not, following Trevor Marshall PhD's reservations [link]. It is sort of Marshall against the world so if science is a democracy then the ayes have it and you should take D. Then again sometimes science isn't a democracy and we mortals are left to decipher the truth.


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